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Song Haeun's PoV

I threw my bag over my shoulder as I walked out of my front door, making my way to school.

It was quite foggy and chilly this morning, my favourite type of morning. It reminded me of walking to school with him, holding his hand and laughing with each other, the coldness not reaching me because my heart was warm.

It was a polar opposite compared to now. My hands engulfed in each other, trying to warm them up and my every breath coming out as what could be mistaken for white powder.

I made it to class in time and took down the notes we were forced to. I hadn't been particularly invested in school recently, my positive mentality had changed, I had changed.

I could focus anymore, that side of me completely gone, and not coming back. I knew I shouldn't let myself get this bad but it was hard. I was heart broke and he didn't seem to care, off in college kissing blonde exchange students like it was some fucking challenge.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the bell ringing, signalling we had break time. I headed out of the class and down to the canteen, I walked past the circle table Yena sat at, accompanied by her boyfriend and all of their other friends, when she called me.

"Yeah?" I asked as I walked over, "Do you want to sit with us?" She smiled and I shook my head, "My friends are just the-" She cut me off, "Just sit with us, come on!" She pulled the seat out beside her and pulled my wrist so I would sit.

"How're you?" She asked and I looked up to see Jungkook smirking at me, "Good," I replied, short and sweet.

"You know the guys, right?" She asked and nodded, "I know a few of them," I said and looked around at them, my eyes landing on Jungkook, who was staring at me like I was a meal.

We had a conversation before the bell went, telling us to go to our classes again. I had Sociology, and the others had their own classes, which meant we were all going off in different directions.

I got to my class when I got a notification, 'You look good'. I read the message. The one followed after it, 'Meet me by your home room' I was confused by this, but asked to be dismissed nonetheless.

I walked down to corridor to so no other than Jungkook standing by my class. "What?" I asked him, "I didn't think you'd come," He smirked, pushing himself off of the wall and walking closer to me, "What do you want?" I asked him.

"You," He said and licked his bottom lip, looking me up and down, "You can't even contain yourself in school, damn, are you that attracted to me?" I teased him, "Who wouldn't be," He said and tried to snake a hand around my waist, "No," I said and smacked it off, earning a pout from.

"What did you really want me for?" I asked and he shrugged, putting his hands in his sweat pants pockets, "I was bored," He shrugged, "Well, I have a project due for my class pretty soon, so I have to go," I said and turned to walk off, "Text me," He said and nodded, "No,"

I walked back to my class and started to take down the notes, I felt the vibrations from my phone going off in my pocket, but didn't take notice in them, not wanting to give Jungkook the satisfaction of me, yet again, replying to his fuck boy tendencies.


Hello again, I'm posting up until where I have wrote to which is a few more chapters so expect some more.
Thanks for reading!

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