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Jeon Jungkook PoV

I made my way back to Jimin's, considering we were all staying there. "Well?" Taehyung asked me as I got into Jimin's living room, all attention going on me as I looked at them all.

I considered not telling them I knew, it was personal. I wanted Haeun to feel she could trust me and not just tell her business to everyone who asked. It wasn't my job to do that, so I wouldn't.

"It was nice," I told them, "Do you know?" Yena asked me, "A little," I told her a white lie. She smirked, "I told you she wouldn't tell you, she knows how much of a big mouth you have," Yena stuck her tongue out at me and I copied her.

"Can you two stop, we're trying to watch a movie!" Namjoon shouted, making us all quiet.

The room was silent when my phone ringtone boomed through the room. "Turn that shit on silent," Yoongi said, his legs swung over Hoseoks lap, his hand over his eyes trying to stop the light coming from the TV.

I looked at the called I.D, "It's Haeun?" I said as more of a question and looked at Yena, who sat up from Jimin's hold and watched me as I answered the call. I thought she'd maybe butt dialled me at first, until I heard her voice.

Her broken voice.

"J-Jungkook?" She asked down the phone, sobbing after she spoke, "What's wrong Haeun, are you okay? What happened?" I asked and she started to sob harder on the other side of the line.

"Jungkook, it's him. He came to my house and started shouting at me, he was drunk and I didn't know what to d-" I cut her off, standing up. "I'm coming now, just wait for me, Okay?" I asked her as I hopped over the many cushions on the floor, still holding the phone up to my ear.

"I'm coming now, just breath okay?" I heard her sniffle down the phone. "Okay, just breath. I need to go because I have to drive, I'll be there soon," I told her and I heard a faint 'Okay' before she ended the call.

I drove to her house, not stopping at the stop signs and hitting every green light. I parked my car and quickly made my way to her front porch. She was sat on the swing they had, her chin on her knees as she stared into the garden.

"Haeun? Hey, are you okay?" I spoke to her as if she was a fragile porcelain doll, or a piece of fabric that would tear if you dare as spoke in a voice raised above a whisper.

"No," she shook her head, her shoulders bobbing up and down as she cried into her own hands. "Don't cry Haeun, let me know what happened," I bent down to her level as I tried to take her hands away.

She shook her head, lifting it up. "He came to my house," She said, "Who did?" I asked, she rolled her eyes, "You know who it is," She said and I made an 'ah' noise as I realised who she was talking about.

"What did he do?" I asked, both of my hands resting on her legs as I was still bent down to her level.

"He told me about his new girl friend, he started screaming and shouting in slurred words and when I told him I was leaving, he grabbed my wrist," She said and I noticed her pull her sleeve down more.

"Let me see," I said and held a hand out. "No, it's okay Jungkook," She told me and shook her head, "Show me," I said and she sighed, lifting up her sleeve. There was a bruised ring around her wrist where he had grabbed her.

"You have to be fucking kidding," I said as I observed her wrist. "He did this?" I asked and she nodded.

I ran my fingers over it slightly, she winced and I pulled back, "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I just want to- shit, sorry," I kept apologising and she shook her head. "It's fine, I just want sleep," She said and yawned.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked her as I stood up, "Yeah, I'm just afraid he'll come back," She told me and I shook my head, "He won't," I assured her and she nodded. "Thanks for helping me, dumbass," She went back to her previous self.

"Ah, there She is," I joked as I walked off. I walked to my car and sat at the wheel. Thinking about who could do this to someone, especially a girl. Especially Song Haeun.

I was sat in my car for a while before I got a text. ' Jungkook?' I read and looked up to what I assumed was her bedroom window. 'Yeah?' I asked and she replied almost instantly. 'Can you come in? I'm really scared'.


Thanks for reading!

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