A Skeleton Has More Stamina Than You

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"Can't... breathe" Nico panted "Dying"

"Nico, all we've done is walk from camp to the track. We haven't even done a bit of running" Will pointed out.

"Well... I'm really... out of shape" Nico wheezed.

"That's your fault. If you'd actually eat more than like 4 pieces of fruit a day you'd probably have more stamina" Will said. "Now come on, they're waiting"

Will had started a little track club with some mortal boys in the small town just outside of Camp Half-Blood. He had invited (forced) his boyfriend to come with him, because he was convinced that the younger boy didn't get enough exercise.

"Don't get sassy on me, Solace" Nico said, regaining his breath. "Now hurry up, before some monsters find us"


"Oh hell no" Nico said as soon as he was close enough to see the boys on the track team. Will had apparently forgot to mention that all the boys on the team were smoking hot 16-year-olds. And even though he loved his boyfriend... damn.

Will followed his gaze and smirked slightly. "Ah yes, my track club. Are you going to leave me for some mortal boy?"

The way Will said it, Nico knew he was kidding. But he decided to mess with the older boy a bit. Gotta keep your boyfriend in his toes, right?

"Yep" Nico said simply "You just don't have a nice enough 6 pack. I think I want... that one" The son of Hades pointed to a well built brown haired boy.

"You want a 6 pack?" Will snarled, yet Nico could tell he was still kidding "You just wait"

Nico smiled. It was so easy to get Will jealous. And shirtless.

He headed down the hill behind his boyfriend, to the waiting team. Apparently Will was the leader, because when he got down to the field, all the other boys started filing into a small building beside the track.

Nico followed Will and all the other boys into the little building, which was actually a locker room.

His face immediately went completely red and he stared at the floor, because that was the only safe place to look. The room was filled with nearly naked boys, changing into athletic clothes.

Nico probably should have realized that before he went in, but now it was too late.

"Nico" Will called. Nico glanced up to see his boyfriend shirtless and gesturing him over. His face was still red, but he couldn't help but stare at Will. He had been wrong. Will did have abs.

He walked over and saw what Will had for him. Running shorts, shoes and a T-shirt. "I am not running" Nico tried to tell him, but Will shushed him.

"Put these on. No complaining. You're here, so you're running" Will said briskly.

"Hades help me" Nico whispered before starting to change.


"Okay. Listen up" Will addressed the boys. "We'll start with running the mile. That's 4 laps."

Nico stared at the track. Maybe Will was right and he did need to run more, because he could barely imagine doing 1 lap, much less 4. And that was just the beginning.

At least Will had brought him black clothes. It would have been ridiculously embarrassing if he had to run in pink clothes or something.

Will blew his whistle (Did he really need a whistle? It made him look like Coach Hedge) and everyone took off. Except Nico. He started trudging around the track, watching everyone else streaming around him.

Suddenly Will grabbed his arm, pulling him along. "Come on!" His boyfriend dragged him forward. "You're here, so you are going to run"

"I don't run" Nico whined, but he knew Will wasn't going to take no for an answer.

He started jogging, then running. Will let go of his arm, which almost made Nico wish he had kept walking. For a second, he loved it. Running with the wind blowing against him made him feel like he was on top of the world, like nothing could stop him. He even pulled ahead of Will.

Then the fact that he hadn't run more than 10 feet in like a year kicked in. His side started to ache and he could barely breathe. He stopped and doubled over.

"Moderation, Nico" Will said as he stopped beside his boyfriend to help him. "Don't start sprinting when you get out of breath waking half a mile."

"Good... advice" Nico gasped, standing up.

"Come on, Death Boy" Will grabbed Nico's arm again. A skeleton has more stamina than you"


Nico finished the mile with Will, walking most of it. Next was the 100 meter, which Nico was actually good at, because he couldn't run very far, but he was pretty fast.

After that was hurdles, which was hell for Nico. And he knew what he was talking about when it came to hell. He couldn't jump high at all, and it didn't help what Will was bouncing around on the sidelines cheering Nico on like Coach Hedge on ecstasy.

Finally, after another half an hour of torture, it was finally over. Nico quickly changed before any of the other boys even went into the locker room, disgusted with the way his skinny jeans felt on his legs.

Will didn't bother to change back, so once everyone had left, Nico and his boyfriend started walking back to Camp Half-Blood.

"That was fun" Will said breathlessly. "Can't wait for next week"

Nico just stared at him like he was crazy.

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