Stay With Me

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Trigger warning: if you are sensitive about death, please be careful about this chapter and read under your own discretion. I'm sorry to my readers who this may trigger but I did want to write this so please please please be careful.


1 month

30 days

720 hours

43200 minutes

2592000 seconds

        That may sound like a long time. But it wasn't, not really. Not when that was all the time Will had left to live.

          .       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        Those were the words that broke Nico. His beloved was going to die soon, and there was nothing anyone could do.

         Nico should have seen it sooner. He was supposed to be able to sense death and all. Should have noticed Will 's life aura failing. But Will had been sick for a while. He had assumed that was it. But sickness usually didn't deplete you like that. Nico had seen it. He just didn't want to admit it to himself.

        Cancer. How stereotypical. Why couldn't it be some crazy disease no one had ever heard of? That was Will's style. He wasn't stereotypical.

        But there's the possibility that it could be cured, because doctors know of it, thought Nico. But he had heard what the doctor had said. It was too advanced. Will had 1 month to live.

         Will couldn't die. He couldn't. That was what ran through Nico's head every day. But as soon as he thought it, he felt selfish. He didn't want Will to die because it would hurt him. But imagine what Will felt?

        Honestly, Will didn't seem to affected. On the outside, of course. Nico could see right through the cheerful attitude to how terrified Will was.

         Nico had tried to talk to him, tell him Hades wasn't so bad. His father had met Will before, and seemed to like him (well, hate him less than most demigods.) Will was a great person, of course he'd get Elysium. But still. They'd be separated. And that alone might separate Nico's heart into thousand of tiny pieces.


          It had been 2 weeks since the diagnosis, and Will had been moved to the hospital. He was too sick to stay at camp.

         Nico visited him everyday, arriving at opening, leaving at closing, and then sneaking back in at night. Will told him not to, told him he'd get in trouble, but he never got caught. And Nico knew Will was glad for the company, because he said that, among other things, in his sleep.

          Sometimes Nico had to leave, or he knew he would start crying and wake Will, which he didn't want to do, even if he would appreciate the company. Some of Will 's sleep talking was so sad.

          But I don't want to hurt him

         I'm not scared, I'm terrified

         Don't let me fall

        But worse were the nights with the unintelligible screams or cries, the wails of agony. Those were the nights the nurses came running and Nico had to hide in the shadows.

       They tried to calm him down, to soothe him back to sleep, if he would wake up. Sometimes he was just trapped in his nightmares, unable to escape. Nico knew what that felt like. Knowing that it wasn't real, that you could escape, but being unable to.

       One time, Nico asked him about the nightmares.  Will seemed nervous, and Nico quickly amended that he didn't have to talk if he didn't want to. But Will thought that talking it out might help.

        He talked of walking forever across a black wasteland, getting more and more tired, as a voice taunted him. He described running through a shadowy house, monsters of flame, darkness, and death at every turn. But the worst was the falling one. Will said he was holding onto a ledge over a black pit. Nico was calling out to him, his hand reaching out, but it was just too far away. Eventually he would let go and fall forever in that awful hole. 

        Nico felt personally guilty about the last one, even though it hadn't been Will. It had been... But anyway. He didn't ask about the dreams again after that. It seemed to have shaken Will up.



       According to what the doctor had said, Will had 5 days left. He wasn't awake much anymore. Nico still visited him and talked to him, because he had the feeling Will still knew what he was saying.

       Whenever he was awake, he seemed confused, like everything was out of focus. He still recognized Nico, and had conversations with him, but there was just something off. The doctors were unsure about it, but Nico knew what was  happening. His soul was preparing for death.


       Nico stared as the heartbeat monitor slowed, became more irregular. Will had been asleep for the past 9 hours, but Nico had still been talking to him, praying that Will would hear him and remember the things he had said. All the other campers had been told to leave the room a half hour ago, but the doctors had let Nico stay. They must've felt sorry for the poor little boy who wad losing the only person he really loved anymore.

        Nico felt pretty sorry for himself. Why did everyone he loved die? Did all the gods just really hate him? Was this his curse? To be alone and sad forever?

       Just as Nico saw Wills breathing fade away so he was almost unable to see it, Will suddenly opened his eyes. They were much clearer than they had been the past few days. His eyes focused directly on Nico, and he knew he could see him. Will took one shaky, shuddering breath

       "I love you. I love you so much. I will never forget you"

       Those were Will's last words.


       That had been a week ago. The funeral had been three days ago. The look in Will's eyes right before he died was still imprinted in Nico's mind, and probably would be forever.

       Nico stared down at the object in his hand. He had come to a decision. Well, he had really made this decision a week ago, but now he was carrying it out.

       He may be a child of the death god, but he could still die like any other mortal. And he would rather be in the afterlife with Will that alive away from him. He might not make Elysium, but his father would allow them to be together. Nico would throw an eternal bitch fit if he didn't.

      The object in his hand was a gun. He knew everyone would be upset, but it was the only path he saw. He was doing this for him, for Will.

      "I love you too" said Nico as he pulled the trigger.


     So there's no real excuse for me not writing other than the fact that I am lazy af and I knew when I started this book I would not be able to stick to once a week so now maybe I'm hoping for once a month if I can get my shit together. But finals are coming up so idk.

      Also I'm very sorry about how depressing this chapter was but variety is the spice of life and I just felt like I needed to write something depressing to kinda reflect what's happening with me right now and get my feelings out I guess. On that note, I'll see you guys next time with something happier I hope. 




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