Let it Go

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Nico was peacefully sleeping, dreaming about skeletal unicorns, when suddenly the door to the Hades cabin flew open.

He immediately sat up in bed, squinting. "Who's there?" He called out, attempting to untangle himself from the sheets.

Nico could see a figure standing in the doorway. They appeared to be dressed in blue. When his eyes finally cleared, he could see Will... in a blue dress.

"What the h-" He started to say, but was cut off when Will stared singing.

"Let it go, Let it go, can't hold it back anymore" Nico stood up and stormed over to Will. He held his hand over Will 's mouth, effectively cutting off his singing. For a son of Apollo, he had an awful singing voice.

"Explain this" Nico snarled. The movie Frozen had come out 2 weeks ago, and everyone in camp was obsessed with it. Except Nico. Sure the plot was great or whatever (he had only seen pieces of it) but everyone singing songs from it every five seconds was getting on Nico's last nerve.

He took his hand away from Will 's mouth, and thankfully, Will didn't start singing again.

"Well, I lost a bet with the Stolls" Will began. Always a bad start to a story. "And they said I had to find a way to annoy you. It was my choice, but I had to find something that wouldn't end with you killing me."

"Then this is a bad choice" Nico said, but he couldn't stay mad at his boyfriend. The Stolls were vicious.

"So I told them my idea, and they stole an Elsa dress for me, and said I had to sing the whole song, or they would get me back."

Nico winced. You never wanted to be on the Stoll brothers bad side. However, Will would probably end up worse off if he continued to sing to Nico.

"Can you do anything other than this?" Nico asked. He could stand almost anything. Except Will singing all of Let it Go to him.

"Well... there was a second option." Will said hesitantly "You could watch all of Frozen with me"

Nico grimaced. Both options sounded painful. But he knew which one he would have to go with.


Nico shoveled another handful of popcorn into his mouth. "How much butter did you put on this?" He asked his boyfriend. "It's good"

"Loads. I know how much you love buttery popcorn" Will said, putting the dvd into the player the Stoll brothers had brought them. They swore they hadn't stolen it, but Will definitely didn't believe them.

"Good. Maybe I can drown in it before the movie starts" Nico mumbled through a mouthful of buttery goodness. He had reluctantly chosen to watch Frozen, mostly because he really didn't want to stab his boyfriend 2 months into their relationship.

"Hey, don't be that way" Will chastised him. "You can't judge it before you've seen all of it"

"I know it has a bunch of annoying songs that everyone sings all the time" Nico said, watching as Will started up the movie. "And there are these 2 sisters and a snowman."

"Wow" Will said dryly "You really know your stuff. "Now shut up and watch the movie."


By the end of the movie, Nico was in tears. It was such a beautiful, touching story. It was so sad, yet so freaking hilarious.

Will turned to him. "What did you think?"

"It was okay. I've seen better movies. I did like Olaf, though."

"Bullcrap" Will ruffled Nico's hair "I saw you crying when Anna froze. I saw you laughing your head off when they met Olaf. I heard you singing along with Let it Go."

"Yeah, okay. You're right" Nico admitted. "But if the Stolls ask, it was torture for me"

"Okay, buddy. But don't blow your cover by singing the songs all the time like everyone else"

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