chapter 5 road trip

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The three blind mice wandered down the steps, trying to find their way to see Louis and Bilbo and Tyson Meowth off; they were mostly falling down them, though… That probably wasn't too good for them.

Queen Abigail with Pinocchio (holding Tails man), two dwarfs one elf 4 Hobbit/dragon kids flew overhead, chasing a poor, poor pigeon. Tyson Meowth
held the hand of one of his female cat 'lovers', saying, "It's out of my hands, señorita. The winds of fate have blown on my destiny. But I will never forget you. You are the love of my life." There was a meow, and another she-cat cuddled up against him. "As are you," he told her, standing up quickly. More she-cats
surrounded him. "And, uh, you. And, uh, hi, um, I don't know you, but I'd like to." Angry meows. "I gotta go!" he cried, sprinting away.

Smaug moaned to Bilbo mournfully, their kids at his foot

No, I know, I don't wanna leave you either, baby. But you know how Louis

But ...

Bilbo ask But don't worry. I'll send you airmail kisses every day!" He sent his one last kiss He looked down at his kids and ordered, "Be strong, babies. Be strong. Now, Savannah Samantha Sophie sam listen to your father alright and Sophie and Savannah roast your brother and sister oh come over , all of you give your mom a big hug he wasn't exactly expecting them all to come flying at him glomp him me and Louis smiled and Sam left mine arms to join in on the fun the vampire looking at each other

I said Louis you should stay here be king

Louis ask  There's no way I could ever run a kingdom. That's why your cousin Alexander a perfect choice."

It's not that. No, it's not. You see-"
And if he gives me any trouble," he interrupted, holding up two fists, "I've always got persuasion and reason. Here's persuasion… and here's reason." He laughed, until I give him that look.' Annabel soon it's just going to be you, me, and our spooky forest

I said Louis here some sunscreen from the sun we are vampire right

Louis ask thank you right don worry I will be back for you

The horn blared, and the captain called, "All aboard!"
He gave me a kiss on cheek love you." He turned and walked towards the boat.

The sails were let down, and the Hobbit/dragon kids wrote in the sky 'We Love You Daddy,' making everyone go, "Awwww."

Fili ask that lovely

Bilbo ask bye kids called up, choked up, with tears forming. Louis  waved, and I waved back and as they turned away, made I made a decision  Louis

Louis ask yeah

I said wait running to the edge.

Louis ask what is that

I said I am I am The horn blared.

Louis ask laughed, and called back, "I love you, too, honey!"

I said no No! No, I said I'm…" The captain blared the horn again in Louis face, who took it and threw it in the ocean. "You're what?"

I said I am I'm pregnant!

Everyone cheered but Louis it seemed like his world had come crashing down on him. "Ahhhh, what was that?"

I said your going to be a father I shout

Louis ask laughed uncomfortably, "That's great!"

I said Really? I'm glad you think so! I love you!" 

Louis ask Yeah! Ohh. Me, too! You!"

Queen Abigail walked up and placed her hand on my shoulder Alison smile at me

Bilbo ask  I'm gonna be an uncle! I'm gonna be an uncle!

Tyson Meowth ask you my friend to Louis are royally-" The ship's horn somehow blared.

That night, the ship was sailing in cloudy weather. It sailed past spooky forest land, which was actually really creepy. It landed on the land, Louis

woke up, and groggily sat up. He opened the door, and saw his swamp, in all its glory. Somehow it was really sunny all of a sudden. Sora gave a shaky, unbelieving sigh, "Home."

He leapt off the boat with a whoop of happiness, and breathed in the nasty scent of a muddy swamp. He ran up and twirled around his front 'lawn,' before hearing  me call Louis He laughed, and danced into his house.

Louis ask Annabel he practically sang, holding his hand out before realizing his house was empty. Annabel he call me smiling cheesily, until the door slammed closed behind him, and he heard the sound of rusty wheels He turned around slowly to see a baby stroller with light shining down on it, with a white blanket covering it Louis walked towards it and, scared, took off the blanket to see… a baby.

Louis ask Oh, no," groaned. The baby burped he laughed uncomfortably, "Better out than in, I always say." Then, the baby let loose a LOT of bark, sending Louis backward. He fought against it and made his way back to the stroller as the baby coughed a little bit before it started to start crying No, no, no!" Louis protested before the tears came streaming. "It's okay," he tried to soothe, grabbing it. "It's gonna be alright." He then noticed another one crawling on the floor, three more on his chair, and one of those landed on his face. He took it off and tried to control them before even more created a tidal wave crawled in through the window and broke it, and through the chimney. Louis

ried to run to the door, and he made it out the door and closed it behind him. He took a deep breath with his eyes closed before opening them to see he was naked at graduation of his class—MCOIX—with babies laughing at him in the crowd.

Louis screamed and sat up in the boat, panting heavily, and held his hand. "Bilbo
Bilbo! Wake up Both Bilbo and Tyson Meowth looked at him with the heads of vampire babies Bilbo then menacingly said, "Dada!"

Louis once again screamed, this time at dawn, on the boat, breathing heavily.

Bilbo ask Louis cried worriedly, with Tyson Meowth beside him—both had their normal heads. "You okay?"

Louis ask stood up and held onto a pole, saying, "I can't believe I'm going to be a father! How did this happen?"

The two Hobbit and cat followed him down the stairs, Tyson Meowth Allow me to explain. You see, when a man has certain feelings for a woman, a powerful urge sweeps over him."

Louis ask I know how it happened," interrupted. "I just can't believe it." He walked away, and Bilbo looked at Tyson Meowth asking, "How does it happen? Tyson Meowth sighed, "You're a father. You figure it out."

Louis had moved to the back of the boat, and sighed deeply.

Bilbo sing And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon. Little Boy Blue and the Man in the Moon. When you coming home, son? Don't know when, but we'll get together then, Dad."

Louis ask Bilbo! Can you just cut to the part where you're supposed to make me feel better?"demanded angrily. Bilbo looked at him and placed his chin on the mantle.

Tyson's Meowth ask you love Annabel right boss hopping up next to him. "What I am talking about here is you, me, my cousin's boat, an ice cold pitcher of mojitos and two weeks of nothing but fishing."

Bilbo ask don't listen to him cut in. "Look, having a baby is not going to ruin your life."

Louis ask It's not my life I'm worried about ruining, it's the kids," told him. "I mean, when have you ever heard the phrase, 'as sweet as an vampire  'as nurturing as an vampire,' or how 'bout, 'You're gonna love my dad. He's a real vampire.'"

Okay, okay. I get it. Look, nobody said it's not going to be easy. But at least you got us to help you out."

Louis ask That's true," conceded. "I'm doomed."

Bilbo ask you going to be fine assured him.

Louis smiled at him until he heard, "You're finished." The trio turned to look at the captain with disbelief until he stammered, "Uh, with your journey."

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