I Don't Think I'd Mind

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Vincent observed the area with great surprise. Much of the uprooted flora had been disposed of into the compost bin as he had suggested. He hadn't expected the distraught ghost to be so compliant. It wouldn't have bothered Vincent to clean up the area himself. It was probably better for his health to spend more time outdoors engaging in physical activity.

"No need, I spoke to them already. I believe we came to an understanding. Enjoy the warm beverage as much as is applicable to you. I'll be right in after I move this back." Vince told Nikolai and watched as the floating cup disappeared back into the house. With a burst of effort Vince rolled the very full and heavy compost bin back to its resting place then retired indoors.

He found the cup of cocoa still afloat about head level then was set back down on the counter. Niko then spoke and asked about his employment. "Work was fine. I have a career as a Site Reliability Engineer for Microsoft." Vincent's face momentarily contorted in pondering how to explain what it was in simple terms to a being who might not know what that meant. "My job is to monitor, detect, and respond to any potential threats that attempt to tamper with software programs of high security clearance."

Vincent opened the kitchen window adjacent to the kitchen sink to let some fresh air in, to help dissipate the lemon scent cleaner that he had used when cleaning up the spoiled milk. He glanced out the window, the newly cleared area giving him an idea. "Summer nights are perfect for sitting around a fire. Would a fireplace outside be a welcomed addition to the property Nikolai?" Vincent asked, as he turned about and leaned against the counter awaiting a response. Eyeing the space that he estimated Nikolai's face would be.

. . .

"Hmm,". Confusion filtered his thoughts as he attempted to understand what Vincent's career entailed. He'd seen Microsoft engraved on technologies in previous years, and he knew a majority of the vocabulary the human used. Only 'software' and 'security clearance' alluded his knowledge, but he didn't press Vincent about what these meant. "Interesting,". Moodiness resumed in his tone as he observed Vincent unlatch a frame, the warm evening air seeping in with a balmy scent. A palm nudged his ceramic towards the center of the isle, not longer interested in the faded warmth of something temporary.

"Yes, I suppose. Your property, technically. I think I created a decent clearing for a fireplace,". Smug humor crept into his voice as he shifted his focus to the world beyond. "Do you know how strange this feels, to talk to a living human? You don't ever seem baffled with our antics, but on this side, I can assure you that conversing with you doesn't feel normal,". Perhaps, some things truly should be buried in the past, such as yesterdays mild revelations. "No offense, but don't you have friends? Someone more interesting to divulge your time with? We'll bore you eventually...Eva and Max don't harbor the same abilities I have. They'll remain forever youthful and ignorant and I'll...I don't know,".

Sighs fluttered through his lips as he approached a soft topic: death. "What will happen when you die? Someone else will move in or the house will belong to the city. And we're stuck here,". Nikolai didn't enjoy coaxing morbidity into discussions, but his concerns troubled him incessantly. In part, this is why he didn't like the idea of attaching to a living human, lest he struggle with the grief of their passing into some world he couldn't enter.

. . .

"You did. I understand that wasn't your intention when you went all 'tornado in a trailer park' destructive outside, but in turn that is less work for me to do. So thank you." Vincent complimented, making a mental note to further research city rules regarding such a feature on property.

Niko mentioned feeling abnormal about conversing with a living person and Vince shrugged, "It does feel peculiar talking to open air without a device in my ear or around my neck to pretend I am communicating wirelessly. I'm not exactly 'normal' in almost every traditional sense of the word, so can't really agree with you in that aspect." Vincent chimed in straightening his posture so he could take the few steps necessary to cross the kitchen to take Nikolai's cup of cocoa to dump the remains down the drain and wash it.

"Even an extroverted adult has a difficult time obtaining friends that are inclined to participate in social events outside of work and reality obligations. An introvert like me I see it as why put forth the effort when it is undesired. I'm quite content to have my limited requirement of socializing to be done at work...and home." Vincent explained, as he placed the rinsed cup into the dish drainer to air dry.

Vince turned to look in the direction that Nikolai was approximately standing. "If you reach a point while I am alive and you don't want to stay here I can research New Age ideas of unbinding you three to help you move on. If you would rather stay, after learning about the historical events associated with this home and land, I am thinking of nominating it through the local landmark program as a historic preservation area. Upon my death if such ordinance is in place, it will be protected from development and ownership. You'd be able to reside here in peace and comfort indefinitely."

Vincent gave a soft chuckle as a grin peeked out of the corner of his lips. "I should do that anyway, in case I end up here after I die. My soul is supposedly damned. I have no legal family. I just told you my need for friend associations is minimal. If I end up here...you can teach me how to be a proper ghost."

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