Oh That

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A couple days ticked with Nikolai elusively keeping to himself. He didn't monitor Eva and Max as much, nor did he strike more than small talk with Vincent. Though nothing seemed 'wrong', the recent events had dampened his mood. To distance himself appeared safest in the vulnerable stage he suffered through, particularly from Vincent and the puzzling emotions he gifted to him. Today though, he had a new plan in mind. On this fateful evening, Niko hoped to unveil himself...and see what Vincent's reaction might result as. Anxiously, he paced around the basement while his siblings jitters excitedly about his decision.

"I wish we could do the same! Can you describe him to us if he asks?".

"Yes, of course,".

"Can you ask him when he's going to buy the kitty?".


. . .

A couple of days passed. Vincent noticed he wasn't waking up to a cool chill in his room. He deduced that Nikolai was keeping his distance after Vincent's minor transgression concerning the journal. There wasn't tension between them, but Vince understood why Niko would be a bit standoffish for a couple of days.

Having an evening meal together was becoming a daily occurrence that Vincent looked forward to. This evening he didn't feel like cooking and came home with a large, stuffed crust, bacon and pineapple pizza and deep dish pan chocolate chip cookie dessert. "Hey everyone I'm home. I brought pizza for dinner." He announced as he entered carrying the pizza box and cookie box on top of it to the table.

. . .

Generally, Vincent didn't need to declare when he arrived home; Nikolai's body instinctively knew every time. But, he had gradually groomed himself to adapt with the temporary skin-crawling tingles during Vincent's returns to the house. Though the human's homecoming from work had no effect on him, today seemed different. For once, he truly had butterflies in his stomach, the awkward queasiness an unusual emotion for Niko. Both of his siblings tumbled from the basement to the dining area, the plan crumbling upon the sight of a pizza box and dessert tray.

"Oh! We're having pizza for dinner? What kind is---why is there pineapple?". Max wrinkled his nose as he lifted the lid an inch to peek at their meal.
"Thank you Vincent, we live pi---oh, oh shut your eyes! There's a surprise for you,". To emphasize her point, she climbed onto a chair and clapped her palms over his eyes; unfortunately her hands were see-through nonetheless but a kid could hope. Jerking her chin silently for Max to retrieve Niko, she hummed an old tune thoughtlessly and peered from behind Vincent to check if his eyelids were down. "Brother, we're all ready,". Tugging on Niko's sleeve, the spirit wavered for a moment with indecisiveness. "C'mon Niko, please,". As Max begged, the ghost relented with a century-deep sigh, unraveling his nerves one final time.

Gently, he tread with Max to the kitchen, a flash of Vincent's platinum locks and Eva's childish antics seeping into view. Sweet, warm scents corroded the air and had him physically shuddering, as though he were truly hungry in his decades of immortality. "Okay Vincent, you can open!". Shrieking, Eva removed her palms and hopped from the seat, elatedlu joining Max at the table. Nikolai hovered a decent foot from Vincent, squarely in front of him. Pale skin gleamed against the glow of ceiling fixtures, along with dark wavy hair and stormy irises. Ancient attire fashioned his lithe body, with a stained white v-neck and trousers his only available option. He had considered wearing one of Vincent's suits, but decided in favor of presenting himself as he was.

Tempted to squeeze his own eyes shut, Niko sheepishly massaged one palm on the opposite forearm. Nervousness and determination shone on his features, characteristic trademarks in the sharp angles and contours of his face.

. . .

"Don't worry. It's good." Vincent reassured concerned Max as the top of the pizza box lifted open just enough for the spirit to take a peek at the contents.

A burst of extra excitement filled the room as a chair moved out and a cool sensation enveloped around his eyes as Eva explained he needed to close them; as they had a surprise for him. Vincent didn't know whether to be concerned or grateful. Guess that depended on the surprise. None the less he wasn't going to be rude either way and did as instructed.

It felt like ages seemed to pass before Eva stated Vincent could open his eyes. And when he did he deduced waiting an infinite amount of time would have been worth waiting for the sight before him. His ocean blue eyes percieved a sight that was truly enchanting. The presence of Nikolai was a physical manifestation. Skin as light vanilla toned marble stone that nearly radiated as marble stone would under lighting. Dark chocolate colored hair with a appealing gentle cascade of texture. A white vneck shirt of non modern design with hand stitched seams covered what he suspected to be a lean torso. Trousers of faded dark color that signaled having been worn in days of old; rather than modern attire that faux faded patches for fashion presentation. A sheepish gaze of storm grey eyes and accenting angled facial features looked at Vincent with uncertainty. Vincent could only hope that his own eyes filled with wonder as he beheld the sight of Nikolai and gentle grin reflected his absolute astonishment. "Wow Nikolai..." he spoke his voice speaking on its own accord in his reverie.

He regained some of his senses and lookes to the empty spaces that Eva and Max resided. "What a surprise indeed. Thank you, all of you. I appreciate this immensely. I bet two certain kiddos are especially ready to eat. You can tell me over dinner what you look like, if you want to." He voiced, making sure they didn't feel excluded in this development.

All through dinner he had many questions he wanted to ask the seeable Nikolai but kept them to himself so the kids could enjoy talking about themselves.

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