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"Sammy! God dammit where the hell are you?" Dean harshly whispered into the wooden box phone handing on the train station wall.

"Dean, I swear to god the car service is coming to get you. If they're not there yet then they're just running a little late. It's almost New Years, Dean. The holidays are here and there must be traffic."

"You called a car service?! Jesus Christ I need to get a car." Dean sighed angrily. He had been uptight since he heard about his father's illness and always just in general. He didn't like being rich. He didn't like his money. Not many wealthy people did. Until his father got his job, Dean basically had to support the family. He remembered poverty like it was yesterday, but to Sam, it was a distant memory.

"Calm down, Dean. You okay?" Sam's voice had deepened since the last time Dean saw him. It was filled with concern now and not its usual excitement Dean knew so well.

Dean smiled sadly, "I'm fine Sammy. Don't you worry about me. Just the train sickness is all."

Dean could hear his little brother's sigh from the other end. But Sam wasn't so little anymore. He was in university, his 20s and very tall. He somehow grew up to more than 6 feet tall and still was growing while Dean stayed low at 6"1. Dean loved Sammy, practically raised him. Sam used to be short when he was little. Time when Sam was short were some of Dean's favourite memories.

"Dean! Dean! Looked here Dean! Look what I made at school today!" Little Sammy had ran up to Dean coming from his primary school class. Dean was in 5th grade at the time and Sammy in 1st. "Look!"

Little Sam held up a piece of construction paper to Dean who took it with a large freckled smile along his lips. In thick crayon Sammy had drawn the family.

"Look Dean, that's you! That's Daddy, and that's Mommy. And that's me and Bones!" Sammy pointed out the scribbled stick figures with his pointer finger. Dean had just smiled broadly and congratulated the little boy with ice cream.

"Dean?" Sam frowned from the other end.

"Hmm Sammy?" Dean shook himself out of his daze.

"I'm going to hang up now. The taxi should come soon. I haven't told dad you're coming yet, I want it to be a surprise." Sam said quickly, as if not wanting to be caught.

"Okie dokie Sammy. Yeah I think that's the taxi coming. See ya-"

Sam cut his older brother off with a smirk that couldn't be hidden by a telephone, "One more thing!"

"What?" Dean returned with a questioning smile into the receiver.

"Don't call me Sammy," Sammy said with a desperation to say it flatly.

"Bitch," Dean replied with the same cocky grin Sam said in his response.


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