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May, 1913

When Jessica said that the house and estate was spectacular, she barely even touched on the size and glamor. The house was many floors high and looked like it could've been a museum. It was on a hill that blended into grassy fields that led the way to a forest that covered the forever behind the house.

"How rich did you say your cousin was?" Sam looked out the window of the buggy.

Jessica laughed, "I know, I know. It's huge!"

"What's your cousin like, Jess?" Dean asked from the other side of the car.

"Oh, Charlie is absolutely wonderful. You'll like her, Dean. So will you, Sam." She touched at her golden curls and smiled fondly into the air. "Oh, I love May weather."

The staff of the house stood outside of the building in a line. There was a butler, two footmen, three maids, a cook, a gardener, and a housekeeper. The three visitors walked inside the front entrance and were met by who introduced themselves as Charlie and her mother.

"Hi Jess," Charlie hugged her cousin tight. "Hello, boys." She then turned to the Winchester boys. "I'm Charlene, but you can call me Charlie. I've heard lots about you, Sam." She was a few inches shorter than Dean and very, very ginger. Her grey eyes sparkled at Sam who's cheeks flushed a little.

"I'm Charlene's mother, Gertrude. I hope you do use your complimentary footmen and maids. I know you boys usually don't have footman but, I want you to receive the full experience." Gertrude was just as red haired and was shorter and plumper than her daughter. She had much more of an old fashioned dress, with the neck high and the hem low. Charlie, on the other hand, was wearing a flowy, blue dress, which was very modern and fashionable.

"Jess, I do love your dress. The color looks splendid on you." Charlie reached out and touched the soft yellow fabric.

Jessica laughed musically and spun herself to make the fabric twist and blow. "Oh, you are too kind. I just bought it at Macy's. Sam said he liked it and so of course I had to buy it. Sam's got a great sense of style." She glanced over at the tall Winchester who's cheeks got even more red.

"I wouldn't say that. I-It just looked good on you. I mean not that you usually don't look good, because you do. All of the time-" Sam rambled until Dean elbowed him in the side to make him stop.

"Anyways," Gertrude looked around awkwardly. She inhaled slowly, "Sam, your footman will be Gadreel. He's the pretty one with the brown eyes over there," Gertrude smiled and pointed at the squared jawed, light haired man in the footman's uniform. Gadreel smirked and nodded at Sam. "Jess, you're maid will be Lisa. Shes the brunette beauty." Jess glanced over and made eye contact with the long lashes and pulled up hair. Lisa did a small courtesy and nodded. "And Dean, you're footman is the tall, handsome one over there. His name is Alistair-"

"Oh, no, no, thank you Gertrude but I brought my own footman. He should be arriving soon with our baggage." Almost as soon as he announced it, a rumble from a car arriving sounded in the hall of the great house. The butler went outside and a few minutes later brought in the baggae with the driver and the black haired footman. Dean and Castiel immediately made eye contact until Dean looked away sheepishly.

Gertrude smiled, "The more the merrier! And I do believe Kevin Tran will be staying here, as well. He's that Chinese fellow who is studying abroad. So Benny, you will be his footman, alright?"

"Yes, ma'am." Alistair said in his weird voice. He caught Dean's gaze and winked. Dean swallowed slowly and looked away quickly. Alistair wasn't all that attractive or handsome like Gertrude had introduced him with.

"Come, let me show you the house!" Gertrude turned and walked down the shiny floor, her heels clacking.


Castiel took the brittle brush and swept away non existent dust from Dean's black blazer. Dean watched his face, memorizing every line, every curve. Castiel's blue eyes met Dean's and he tilted his head a little. "Is there something on my face?"

Dean smiled and put his hand on the dip of Castiel's back, pulling him closer. "I don't want to go to the party. I wish I could just stay with you."

Castiel nodded, "I know. But, you'll have fun. Make sure to flirt with some pretty girls, fall in love, break some hearts."

Dean laughed, sending a warm feeling down Cas's chest. "They might fall in love with me, but my heart will never belong to them." The footman stopped breathing for a second. His heart raced and his skin tingled in a strange sense of happiness. Dean's smile dropped and his loosened his grip on Castiel. "Cas, I'm sorry, I-I'm sorry. If you don't feel the same-it's fine."

Castiel shook his head, a smile developing across his face. "No, no, no. Dean, I have those feelings as well. We've only known each other for what, a month and a half? I feel like I know so much about you."

"But I know almost nothing about you." Dean watched as a most covered Castiel's blue eyes, making him distant.

"When we go home we can plan a day to talk about it all." The footman promised, his fingers brushing against Dean's jawline. "How does that sound?" The taller man nodded and pressed his nose into the shorter man's hairline. Castiel sighed and fell into him, breathing in Dean's musky scent.

"I wish I could take you out to the party and show you off." Dean pulled back to hold his gaze with his footman's. "Show off how pretty you are and how you're mine." He smirked devilishly and Castiel's face went red. He swallowed when Dean's hands slipped down Castiel's back to his behind, where grabbed it selfishly. Dean flashed his pearly white smile and left the room, out to the hallway where he loudly exchanged greetings with his younger brother. He left Cas alone, his legs shaky and his cheeks flustered which made Dean feel too many things when he glanced back at him. He winked slyly and walked off with Sam.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2015 ⏰

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