DAY 02: Possessive

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Chapter Title: Consequences
Day Two: Possessive
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): Detailed explicit sex scene, Non-Consensual, Emotional Unstable, Possessive Behaviours, Abuse of Drugs, Male Pregnancy
Word Count: 5053
Summary: Justice Lord AU; In which Superman mourned for Batman's death.
➤ While we're free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions. - Stephen R. Convey 

FINAL WARNING: Just to clarify, this story is not for the weak-minded. Read at your own risks, thank you!

PART I: Vengeance

"I killed him."

Blue hues bulged wide. Heavy footsteps stopped.

"You... what?"

"I said, I killed him. Batman, the one who betrayed us, is dead for good now."

She talked with such pride. But for Kal, he felt like a part of him had been ripped apart by her words. It was indeed true that he had given her the orders of killing Bruce, but he had never expected the man to die for real. Bruce is tough. He fought against enemies who were stronger than him. He escaped from the traps set by the most devious villain. He could lose half of the blood in his body and still survive.

So, he can't possibly die.
Not from such a simple trick played by Diana.

"Are you sure about that?" He tried to remain his calm demeanour as he spoke. "Maybe he could have faked his death."

"I'm very sure about that." She smirked. "I killed him with my own hands. I snapped his neck. The bones crushed underneath my strength like a piece of porcelain."

While she bragged about her victory, Kal was in deep silence. Her words barely made senses since he wasn't listening. He walked towards his office desk. From the corner of his eyes, he saw a dim reflection of himself on the glass vase. While his face remained stoic, his eyes glowed a dull redness.

When he placed his hand at the corner of the marbled desk, he felt it crack underneath his grip. He was furious. It was hard to imagine that Bruce is dead when the man had always been a stubborn soul. No, he should not be dead. He should have seen through Diana's disguise. He should have easily slipped away through one of his secret hideouts – he should have those around his mansion, didn't he?

How could Bruce be so foolish, letting Diana in his way?
How could he die on him?

How dare he?

"... Kal...? KAL!"

Kal blinked, his vision blurring. He was not focused on her words. He was silently mourning over the death of his greatest partner. Slowly, the grief turned into anger which had resulted in the loss of control over his power for a minute. Within the minute, his heated gaze at the glass melted the glass into a pile of liquid.

"Kal, what's happening?"

She approached him, holding his arm in one firm grip as she looked into his eyes in worries. He should be grateful for her care, and yet, he felt furious. These are the hands which had killed Bruce. That grip of hers snapped Bruce's neck, resulting his death.

Like a piece of porcelain, she said.

"Kal, are you okay?"

She cupped his cheeks and brought his face close to hers. However, before she could, Kal stepped away, pushing her arms away from him.

"Stay away. You disgusted me."

Those words came out harsh and quick, but Kal did not regret it. He watched as the beautiful features on her face slowly twisted in anger. She wasn't expecting the kind of treatment from him.

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