DAY 03: Undercover

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Chapter Title: Great Job, Tim!
Day Three: Undercover
Rating: General
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 775

Clark was packing his bag when his phone vibrated. When he noticed that it was a few messages from Bruce, he picked his phone up and read those texts. After all, Bruce never texted him during work hours unless it was important.

I need your help picking Tim up from school.
I'm up to my eyeballs at work and Alfred is taking care of Damian. Who is sick.


Love you.

When he read the final line, Clark chuckled. Their relationship had been stable for two years, but the giddiness of receiving a loving text from Bruce still existed. It couldn't be helped, since it was rare for Bruce to say those words – especially right to Clark's face.


Love you too.


When Clark arrived at the school, he was ten minutes early, Tim was still finishing with his club activities. The boy had texted him that he might be late, so Clark decided to wait at the front of the school.

There was a woman, around the age of twenty-five. She smiled at the reporter when their gazes met. As Clark took his seat, the brunette woman moved over a seat, to sit next to him.

"Hey there," she said sweetly. "Are you here to pick up your younger siblings?"

"Ah, hello." Clark flashed her a smile. "Well, actually, I'm here to pick up my... friend's kid."

He would love to call Tim his own child. But he should get the boy's permission beforehand, right? He wouldn't want Tim to get uncomfortable, especially since his relationship with Bruce had only been revealed to the boy a short while ago. So, calling Tim 'his friend's kid' was the right move.


"Oh my, how sweet of you!" The woman chirped. "I'm Rebecca! Would you like to be friends with me?"


This was the scenario Tim saw when he met up with Clark: there was a woman standing next to Clark, and they were laughing about something. Tim narrowed his eyes as the woman began to lean closer to Clark – her smile wide and flirty. It doesn't seem to bother Clark, since he allowed the woman to touch his bicep as she fluttered her fake eyelashes at him.


Tim silently snapped a picture of the scenario in front of him. Then, he sent the picture to Bruce, along with a text:


I don't like the way she is looking at Clark. What should I do?

Tim's phone immediately vibrated. There was a quick reply from Bruce.


Do what I would do.

When Tim looked up at the adults, he was furious. The woman was purposefully brushing her hair over her shoulder, exposing her plump bosom to Clark's gaze. Tim wondered if Clark was just dense or if he just didn't care. Clark's gaze didn't avert for a moment from the woman's face as he talked with her.


Tim picked the perfect moment to interrupt – just before the woman could lean uncomfortably close towards Clark. In the boy's hand was a can of unopened coke, and the moment he was close to the adults, Tim shook the can aggressively and opened the drink, directing it against the woman's red blouse. Dousing it.

"Tim!" Clark gasped.

"I... I didn't mean to!" Tim put on his most innocent look. He looked down at the ground, grabbing the hem of his shirt as he tried to look as apologetic as possible.

"Oh, Tim..." Clark sighed. He began to apologize on Tim's behalf, when a familiar person suddenly walked past him.

"I'm sorry, Miss, for this mess my son created ." Bruce handed a handkerchief to the woman, before he turned his attention towards Tim.

"Tim..." Bruce leaned down, pulling the child closer towards him. "That wasn't very nice of you." He cut himself off and leaned into Tim's ear. "Great job, Tim!" The adult quickly pulled back, expression stern.

"Now." Bruce gently nudged Tim in the back. "What does a gentleman say when they ruin a beautiful lady's blouse?"

"I'm sorry, miss."

Now, Clark was not an idiot. He had heard the soft whisper of approval, but he decided not to interrupt. At least, not in public.

The moment they entered Bruce's car, Clark let out a soft laugh. "Well gee, Bruce, that's a bad influence for Tim."

"It's not." Bruce hummed. "He was just telling the woman to back off of what was ours. Right, Tim?"

"Yeah!" Tim beamed from the back seat, fastening his safety belt.

"Man, you guys are making me blush." Clark laughed again. "How about we stop at the café before we go home? My treat today."

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