DAY 05: On a mission

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Chapter Title: Baby Aid
Day Five: On a mission
Rating: Teen and up Audiences
Warning(s): Terror attack on pride, description of violence
Word Count: 5330

Love, it is complicated. It manipulates you to do the unexpected. It makes your heart ache and beat. It blinds your thoughts and makes you act like a selfish child. Sometimes, when love began to drown and suffocate you, you're only left with the choice of killing it off.

The more forcefully you try to fulfil your greedy heart, the more easily you're hurt by the emotion called love. More often than not, love will lead you to regret and separation.


There was someone he had fallen in love with.

It was someone extremely precious to him, like family.

He was someone Clark couldn't imagine losing.


On a seemingly ordinary morning, Clark was interrupted by a knock and loud cries outside his door.

Morning was always busy for the man. He enjoyed it being busy, it was a part of the day which made him feel closer to human— like Clark Kent, instead of Superman. So, the sudden interruption of a beautiful, peaceful morning was not enough to break his good mood – until he saw his neighbour holding the crying baby in her arms.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your morning, Clark. I'm sure you must be very busy." Mrs Smith smiled, seemingly a little troubled. "But there was a basket in front of your doorstep, I thought you might want to take a look at it. Someone left a baby in the basket."

Clark looked at the fragile creature, dumbfounded. The baby was not older than a few months, and when his neighbour handed the bundle over to Clark, he was more bewildered than before. The baby had auburn hair and bright blue eyes. He was mesmerized by the baby's stare, like he was seeing a miracle – because he felt a sense of familiarity with her, as if she resembled someone he knew. He gently held the young life close to his chest, and he bid goodbye to his neighbour, promising to explain the entire situation to her soon.

"Hey, hey, there. Shh..." Clark whispered gently, rocking the child in his arms. He didn't know the way of taking care of a crying infant. He had never handled one before! For now, his intuition was telling him that this child was his responsibility, whether he liked it or not.

"Don't cry, little one, you're safe and sound now..."

The child stopped crying, blinking her big blue eyes as she got a clear look at the man who was holding her. Her cries stopped, as though she was seeing someone familiar, as she started to smile and laugh at him.

Clark couldn't resist the adorableness of the baby. He smiled tenderly, cradling the child in his arms and cooed at her as though she were his own daughter. The baby seemed to enjoy his touch too. It made Clark felt strangely happy, as he placed the basket on the dining table.

"Say, do you know who left you at my doorstep..." He looked through the basket she had slept in, and found a card, with the child's name written in smooth cursive words. "Marie?"


Clark sighed. He had made a report at the police station. As adorable as little Marie was, he couldn't have taken her up as his own. Not to mention, he didn't even have the time to take care of an infant. He was going to leave the child to the cops. However, the moment he decided to hand her over, she cried, little hand clinging to him for dear life.

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