Self Sacrifice Life lesson 6

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When we think about giving up our selves for a reason, no matter the reason, most of us are like, "Naw, thank you!" There has been many times in my life I gave up something  I needed or wanted so someone else could be happy. I John 3:17 states "whoever has this world's possessions and sees his brother in need and shuts up his bowels of compassion from him, how does the love of God dwell in him?" So, I gave, I gave until it hurt. But the Lord has always blessed me  in return! Let's talk about a greater sacrifice - The American Solider.

Some gave the ultimate - their life! But others paid for their service for their entire life. PTSD! Night mares! Drugs! Alcohol!  All to forget all they had seen or done in the heat of battle. We salute ALL that has served - past and present. The ones that have seen and overcome are the strongest people I know!  John 15:13 says this, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends!" And since I wrote that, let's go to the greatest sacrifice known to man. The one that quoted that verse the first time. MY SAVIOR! MY REDEEMER! MY JESUS CHRIST!

In verse 16 of the same book / chapter - He says He chose ME! Little ole ME! A sinful wretch I was. On my way to hell! But He ordained me! And the greatest of all - He died that I may live! He paid the ransom for ME! He basically said, "Rach, I love you. Let me take stripes that you may be healed! Let me conquer death, hell and the grave - I will take away the sting. I will pay for you with my own life. I will carry your sins. Give me your burdens too! I will bless you, your household and generations after you. When you finally die, I have a place for you, a mansion, in the most beautiful place ever! And it's all yours!"

Honey, if you don't accept Jesus after all that, you must be a fool! Thank you Jesus, for the ultimate self sacrifice in history!


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