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Natasha arrived to the Tower earlier than the other Avengers, around 3 p.m. It was oddly quiet, she had expected Peter to be there. Natasha assumed he was out on patrol, and didn't think much into his absence. At least, not until the others began showing up around 6 p.m.

"Hey Natasha."

"Hey Steve. How were the extra meetings?" She asked with a smirk, glad she didn't have to stay for them.

Steve rolled his eyes, "Boring as usual. Is Peter here?"

Natasha frowned, "No, he was gone when I arrived, so I figured he was on patrol."

Steve sat next to her at the island. "Fri, how long has Peter been gone?"

"Peter has been gone since 9:12 a.m." Friday replied.

"Nine a.m.?" Natasha was shocked, "Friday call his suit."

They waited.

And waited.

And waited.


Steve and Natasha shared a troubled glance. "You don't think..."

"That the same people who took Stark have Peter? Yeah, I do." finished Steve. Just then, the elevator dinged and Bruce and Rhodey stepped out. They stopped their conversation in the mid sentence when they saw Steve and Nat's worried looks.

"What's wrong?" Rhodey asked as him and Bruce hurried over to the kitchen island.

"It's Peter." Natasha answered

"He's gone."


"Wait what?" Bruce said.

"What do you mean, 'Peter's gone'?" Rhodey growled.

"I came home at 3, right? And he wasn't here so I thought he was being Spiderman. Until Steve came home and we asked Friday when Peter left and she he's been gone since 9 a.m." Natasha explained shakily.

"It's ok Nat," Steve laid a hand on her shoulder and she nodded, "we'll find Peter, we'll find them both."


Half an hour later the team was suited up and about to leave. Bruce was hanging back, in case they found Peter and Tony and needed medical attention. "Alright," Steve said, "let's go."

The three of them, Rhodey, Steve, and Natasha, left the tower. Rhodey was flying in war machine and Steve and Natasha were both driving motorcycles. They followed the map Friday gave them to the location of Peter's spider suit.

It only took them twenty minutes to drive and fly to the warehouse, where they congregated outside. "Ok everyone, coms in. Natasha, you get to the suit's signal, Rhodey and me will make sure the building's clear."

Everyone hurried inside, careful to be quiet. Within 10 minutes Natasha spoke into her com.


"Building's clear." He replied.

"I-I found the suit. Just the suit. It's crumpled in the corner of this basement room. Peter's not here." She said, her voice breaking slightly.

Steve sighed, "Grab it. We'll head back to the Tower. There's nothing here to indicate where they went."

The met together outside and quickly left. Since they didn't drive and fly as fast going home as they did on their way there, it took them a little under forty minutes. Rhodey, Natasha, and Steve all met in the living room, where Bruce was waiting, and told him what they found.

After minutes of silence, Natasha stood, "I'm going to take a shower and clear my head. Bruce, why don't you order some food?"

Everyone went their separate ways, leaving Bruce in the living room.

Where had Peter and Tony gone?


Authors note:
Hi y'all. Sorry it's been a while. I'm actually quite surprised that this chapter is as long as needed. Don't hate me too much for not saying anything about what's happening to Peter and Tony, because trust me. Stuff's happening.
Lots of love,

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