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Everyday the would come into his room. Drain him of his blood.

He was fairly certainly he was unhealthily low on that stuff. He would usually pass out as the bandaged his arm together. He no longer even had the strength to cry out in pain, as they would take their knife and undo the little healing his body had managed.

He knew he was dying.

And he knew it would happen soon.


His heart had been shredded.

Patched together, only to be ripped apart again.

The beatings had begun again, along with being forced to watch his kid suffer.

His weak and exhausted sleep was plagued with nightmares of the torture. He often woke up in a cold sweat, and terrified.

Where are you guys? We need you.

Help us.


"I'm coming with you." Pepper said firmly. The rest of the team, who were already on their way to there rooms, turned and looked at her. She stood and began walking towards Steve.

"Pepper, we can't let you. You'll just be another person we have to protect since you don't have any armor. And we can't afford that, not with Tony's and Peter's lives on the line." Steve explained.

Pepper just glared at him, "And how do you know that I don't have armor?"

Steve was a loss for words. He didn't know if she had armor, he just assumed she didn't. Guess I'm wrong, he mused.

"That's what I thought. A quinjet will be waiting on the roof in 15 minutes. Be there. Be ready." With that, Pepper stalked off to her room.

"You heard her. Be ready." Steve repeated.


Pepper arrived to her and Tony's room and shut the door. She slipped off her shoes and debated whether or not she should actually go. Pepper of course, had a suit, but with her recent health condition she wasn't sure if she should go. Stop, she told herself, you have to go, Tony needs you.

With renewed assurance, she hurried over to her walk-in closet. Pepper went to the back wall and pressed her hand to the wall. Instantly, the wall folded back to reveal her armor.


After fifteen minutes everyone was loaded in the quinjet. Rhodey in his war machine armor, Steve with his shield, Natasha with her widow bites, and Pepper in her silver and purple Rescue armor. Bruce was along, bit would stay on the jet for medical assistance. Over the next forty-five minutes, the team formed and discussed their plan. Rhodey would search for Peter and fly him back to the plane, and Pepper was to do the same with Tony. Steve and Nat we're going to secure the place. Aka kill anyone they found for hurting their precious father-son duo.

Pepper paced the floor worriedly. She wasn't sure what they'd find, and that scared her.

"Hey," a voice broke her out of her thoughts, "we'll find them, ok? They're going to be ok."

Pepper turned to the source of the voice and saw Natasha. "I wish I could believe that."


With stealth mode and a cloaking device on, they gently set the plane down. They were lucky that the prison was out of the water. Everyone snuck out of the jet and followed the routes discussed over a map. After four minutes, Natasha spoke over the comms, "Tony is being held on level 7 cell 25a. Peter is on level 4..." she faltered.

"What's wrong Natasha?" Steve questioned.

"Peter he's on level 4... experimentation room 12."


No one spoke over the comms. All too horrified as to what could be going on in that room.

Finally Rhodey broke the silence, "Come on, let's go break them out."


Pepper was still hurrying towards Tony's cell when Rhodey voice crackled to life again, "Guys... I found him. It's, it's not good. Bruce you need to be ready with some blood and IVs, lots and lots of blood."

Pepper shivered at the thought of why the kid would need so much blood, but returned her mind to the mission at hand. Little time passed before she made it to the door and blasted the lock. She barged through and swiftly went over to Tony and broke off his restraints. Peppers helmets retracted, "Tony."

"Hey Pep..." Tony stared at her with exhaustion. His eyes full of recent horrors he was forced to watch and endure. "Is it really you?"

Pepper smiled, tears on her eyes, "It's really me, baby." She placed a hand on his face and he grasped onto it like a lifeline. "You're safe now, but we have to leave."


"Peter's fine, he safe." She reassured, "Rhodey found him and took him back to the quinjet. Right now let's focus you."

Tony nodded and placed his hands on her shoulders. Pepper grasped his waist, knowing he probably couldn't stand on his own. And she was right. His knees instantly gave out and he would've fallen if Pepper hadn't caught him. She picked him up bridal style and began carrying him out.

They only ran into 5 people. Nat and Steve had done their job well. Within minutes they were loading onto the quinjet, Tony having passed out. She laid him on one of the prearranged medical cots. Peppers suit retracted off her and folded down into a cube. She looked over and saw Peter and gasped. "Oh my gods. What happened?"

He was painfully skinny and pale his forearms skin was torn and mangled. They had taken off his shirt and Pepper saw many scars and bruises and even a few burns. They had already hooked up lots of IVs to him. "Let's just say, a lot of stuff." Bruce said.

Pepper breathed shakily and sat down next to Tony's bed, holding his hand. Natasha and Steve rushed in, "Let's leave before the rest of our 'friends' show up." Natasha ordered as she made her way to the cockpit. She sat down next to the pilot, who was a shield agent, and the jet took off.

Not even ten minutes into the ride Pepper mumbled something about motion sickness and stumbled into the bathroom. Natasha turned to Bruce, "Is it just me, or has she been acting... Different?"


Authors note:
Hey y'all, sorry it's been so long since I updated, I'm on vacation. But I hope this longer chapter will compensate for that. I hope. Please leave thoughts and comments! It motivates me so much.
Lots of love,

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