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A week later, Tony had recovered well. He was even able to walk without anyone helping him; though scars remained as torturous reminders of what they had been forced through.

He refused to leave Peter's side, even at night. He knew Pepper didn't like it much, but he had to be there when he woke up. He was lucky enough that his amazing wife would bring him food, otherwise he probably wouldn't eat.

It was around eleven at night, Tony was dozing off in his chair beside Peter. The kids eyes flew open, and he looked around panicked. In his arms were many needles, increasing his freak out. He started rapidly ripping them from his skin. Within seconds they were out of him and he was kicking the thin sheet off his legs. By now Tony was fully awake and moving to stop Peter. Peter swung his legs over the bed and tried to stand, but instantly fell as his knees gave out. Thankfully for him Tony was by his side and caught him. "Peter! Peter calm down it's ok, we're safe."

Peter looked at him, eyes wild with fear. "Kid, you're safe you're with me. We're at the Tower." Tony guided him back to the bed and they sat. "How do you feel?"

"Terrible. Weak. Scared." Peter replied quietly.

Tony sighed wrapping Peter in a hug, "I know kid, I know. I'm so so sorry this happened. I won't ever let anyone get you again."

Peter nodded into Tony's shoulder and held onto him tightly as he started to cry. "It hurt," he sobbed, "it hurt."

Tony just rubbed his back, knowing it was better to let Peter talk and cry.

A while later, Peter finally stopped crying and pulled away from the hug. "Thank you... I'm sorry. This is really stupid."

Tony stared at him incredulous, "No kid, this isn't stupid. And you don't have to be sorry. You didn't ask for what they did to you. And I know what happened, they had this screen, I watched it all."

"Then you saw how weak I really am." Peter said.

Tony gave him a stern, yet kind, look, "Peter. Listen closely. You are so amazingly strong and brave to endure all that pain and come out of it alive. I don't know anyone as strong as you kid."

After minutes of silence, Peter finally talked, "Can we get some food?"

Tony chuckled, "Of course we can."


Tony helped Peter walk to the elevator and then to the couch. Once Peter sat down and had a blanket around him Tony asked what he wanted to eat. "Can I have chicken nuggets and french fries."

Tony laughed again, smiling, "Of course you can, I'll put them in the oven."

Fifteen noisy minutes later, Tony finally came back. "I don't think anyone makes as much noise in the kitchen as you."

Tony ruffled the kids hair, "Gee thanks, kid."

"Tony?" A voice called, coming closer, "What are you doing?" Pepper walked out of the hall, wearing pajamas.

"I'm making chicken nuggets." Tony replied simply.

"Why?" She asked.

"For me." Pepper turned and saw Peter, "Oh my gosh, Peter, how are you?" She rushed over and gave him a hug before brushing the hair from his eyes.

"I'm better then when I first woke up," he smiled and glanced at Tony who sat down beside him.

"Well that's good." She looked at Tony, "I think I'll leave you two be. Don't stay up too late ok?"

"Ok, Mrs. Stark." Peter responded.

"Peter, please, call me Pepper."

Peter blushed, "S-sorry Pepper." She smiled and gave him one more hug before heading to bed.


It was about two hours into their Star Wars marathon when Peter fell asleep, he was leaning on Tony's chest, who had his arm around Peter's shoulders. Tony had also fallen asleep when the kid began to twitch and jerk. He started mumbling incoherent words. It just kept getting worse and worse till he woke up in a cold sweat, tears streaming from his face. Peter was shaking horribly, and the room spun before his eyes. His breathing was jagged, and he could hear his heart rapidly beating in his chest.

"Peter? Peter!" The voice sounded distant and muffled. "Peter can you hear me?" A hand gently grabbed his face and turned it towards the voice. He saw Tony, a slightly blurry, Tony. "Kid look at me focus on me ok?" Tony grabbed Peter's hand and held it to his chest, "You need to breathe, copy me." Tony took really exaggerated breaths until Peter's finally became even. The world stopped spinning and Peter looked down."I-I'm sorry. It was just a stupid nightmare. I'm sorry-"

"Stop apologizing, Peter. It's ok. I have nightmares and panic attacks a lot. Nothing to be ashamed of." Tony was surprised to hear himself admitting that to the kid. Nobody but Pepper knew about it. "I'm so sorry you have to go through this Peter-"

"Don't. If I can't apologize neither can you, especially since this wasn't your fault, you couldn't have prevented it." Peter looked Tony in the eyes, he could see the man struggling to believe his words. But finally he gave in.

"Fine, ok. Well it's 5 a.m. no point trying to sleep when we'll wake up soon anyways. Want to go to the lab? Upgrade your suit?" Tony offered.

"Sure..." Peter replied warily, "But is it possible to just like, build a robot or something? I need to take a short break from the superhero life."

Tony chuckled, "Of course, I know what you mean."


Authors note:
Yay, a bit longer one! Don't know what else to say... Thanks for reading, leave your feedback in the comments.
Lots of love,

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