Chapter 10

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Addie and Ava 17, Alfonso 21

School was a real struggle for me. I didn't really have any close friends, i had dropped all social activities - soccer, iceskating, dancing and cheerleading. The last 2 i didn't even want to start, that was Ava's idea, she convinced our parents that i needed social contact and thought that was the best sport for me. I know for a fact that it was just a part of the plan to make me stop playing soccer which had resultet in a few bruises and cuts over the summer and of course - with no question Alfonso was a part of that plan, possibly even the one who came up with the idea.

I hated cheerleading, Ava was of course the captain of the team looking perfect and showing a happy face no matter how hard the routine was - but hell, she made the routine. I, on the other hand was not the smiling chatty one, i learned to love being on my own and the entire show-off-dancing-thing just wasn't doing it for me, i liked physical sports.

Being dyslexic didn't help me at all, nobody knew and no one were ever to know my deepest secret. Only the teachers knew, so it was easier not to show my weakness as the teacher never asked me to read out loud unless i had raised my hand and literally asked for it - which is a scenario that will never happen.

Ava and I had more classes together this year, math, P.E, english and history. She was really popular and had her girls around her all the time, no boys - that wouldn't please Alfonso, so of course she didn't.

Alfonso didn't like us being separated, but he had to take over the family business so he had started to work in his dads company a few years back preparing to take over the business. It's hard to explain, but he just never seemed to chill about us, ever since we met him he has been super possessive of Ava and I. Just in different ways, Ava was his sweetheart in a romantic manner, while he just treats me as the little sister he loved and wanted to protect so badly that he went a little overboard and became super annoying instead.

He has been annoying for long, but over the past years he started to get a lot worse. Almost as if he was obsessed with Ava - and me. Like he owned us and wanted us around him all the time. That he wanted that from Ava was no surprise, but that he wanted it from me was a big surprise. All guys that ever even looks at me are somehow scared off and never seem to be repeating that action - could be just a thing, but I just know that Alfonso are involved, most likely through Ava, his personal spy.

I never understood the deal about Alfonso and Ava, how was I somehow a part of that and for what reason? I had this empty feeling inside and longing to be with them, to just be accepted by them and seen and acknowledged for me. It was weird that i somehow felt like I needed them, and the fact that they were going off alone made me upset.

I hated to admit it, but I felt butterflies in my stomach whenever i thought about Alfonso, but he was Ava's so i shouldn't, and it's not like he feels that way about me. Maybe it was just jealousy, Alfonso and Ava had something so strong and unbreakable, they were never alone, they always had each other and it had always been like that. I was all alone, I had no one - once i had a friend - he moved, once i had a sister - she got him. And Alfonso was never really mine to begin with.

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