Operator File.

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Cody "Viking" Hallum
Birth place: Huntsville TX.
Age: 29
CTU: GSTR "Ghost Recon"
Primary Weapons: MK16 MOD 0, G28.
Secondary weapons: P45T, Desert Eagle .357
Special equipment: Sensor Grenade                                                                                                                              3 Armor, 1 Speed.


Born to Norwegian parents, Cody "Viking" Hallum is a first generation American. He spent a large majority of his youth trying to prove himself to his peers, and an even longer time trying to prove himself to his parents. His parents, both being college professors, held him in high regard, they expected great things from Cody. Eventually this drive to prove himself to everyone drove him to join the U.S. Army. He excelled in the Army, gaining both his Ranger tab, and his Airborne patch. He was attached to the 72nd ranger battalion, serving multiple tours in Afghanistan, where his marksmanship earned him a rather large bounty. His skill behind a scope was only matched by his ability to blend in, making him perfect for deep-cover operations. During one of these operation, Hallum caught the eye of one Major Scott Mitchell, from the Group of Specialized Tactics and Recon. After passing selection for Ghost Recon, Hallum was made a solo operative. Outside of being an Operator, Hallum also has a double Bachelor's degree in both Criminal Justice, and Computer Engineering attained from the University of Texas. He also speaks 6 different languages; Spanish, Norwegian, Danish, Polish, and Russian, in addition to speaking English.

Psychological evaluation:
First and foremost I am very gracious of the opportunity of having such an elite operator in team Rainbow. Quick to use humor to diffuse any situation, Cody still seems to have that drive to prove himself instilled into him by his parents. It seems that his relationship with his parents is strained as well. He also is very good at keeping secrets, when asked about his work, he says that he works in intelligence, Never betraying the fact that he is a member of Ghost Recon. he also seems to be familiar with one of our other operators [REDACTED} also known as Nøkk. Though as stated before, Cody is a proverbial vault of secrets, and he's very good at not breaking.

Equipment: Sensor Grenade.
The XM34 ASE Sensor Grenade is one of Hallum's toys, After noticing that room clearing with a drone could take too long in certain situations, Hallum got together with an old friend who was a Skell Tech engineer, and both created the XM34  "Cricket" The grenade works by letting out a high frequency sound wave and utilizes echolocation to "Map" the room, what the sensor picks up is sent to Viking's glasses, and is converted into a snapshot of the room. When active the grenade makes an audible high pitched chirping sound. The grenade has just only entered field testing within Ghost Recon, already being put to the test in field by 'REDACTED' in Venezuela. The Sensor Grenade is still in rough prototype stages, that means that there are still some rough issues.

Evaluation Report:

XM34 ASE "Cricket"

Evaluation lead: Cody "Viking" Hallum

"Alright Mira, I suppose I could tell you how the Cricket works, though, be warned, due to certain factors, some of this will be classified. The core mechanics are simple, you ever shout in an empty room and hear an echo? Same thing, except at a much higher frequency. THe complicated part is creating the map itself. My buddy at Skell had to write some pretty serious code, and its still a little rough. It can sometimes pop up things that aren't there. Also, the sensors transmitter burns out after a few seconds. But these are all things common to something still in the early prototype stages, right?"-"Viking"

(AN: So, I had been working on this story ever since before Breakpoint was even announced, so a lot of the character design is based in Wildlands. I was milling around trying to edit it to make it seem believable, also, constant rewrites are a thing, so yeah. Anyhoo I hope you enjoy, the upload schedule is going to be inconsistent, due to the fact that I'm pretty busy with school, amongst other things. Please ignore any small writing mistakes I make, I'm not really good at writing stories, but I figured it'd be good practice for school. Any other errors either with military stuff, or just stuff in general, let me know, and ill try to fix it. Cheers- Peak)

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