Reuniting with friends

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After his introduction with Team Rainbow, Viking was taken back to the armory. He had put awa his weapons and was starting to remove his gear when a voice called out to him. "Hey Skull, that was pretty impressive." A loud and familiar voice called to him. It belonged to an operator, he had on the same garb as Viking, though he was sporting a rather impressive beard. He had a familiar patch on his shirt. It was an eagle with a trident, the symbol of the SEALS. 

It took Cody a minute to recognize. "Do I know you" He asked. "I sure hope so, I was part of the QRF back in the sandbox." the SEAL said. "Oh yeah, I never caught your name." Cody said. "Its Craig, that was a helluva job you did in there, been awhile since I've seen another true professional work." Craig said. "Hey, what about us?" A feminine voice asked. It belonged to the other SEAL, the one that Cody had gone against.

"Meghan?" Cody asked. "Hey Cody, its good to see you." She said. "Dang, I didn't even recognize you, I didn't know you had actually gone through with joining the SEALs." Cody said. "You two know each other?" Craig asked Meghan. "Yeah, I was his intel handler on some of his missions before I became a SEAL." She said. "Craig, come on, we need to get ready. I'll see ya around Cody." Meghan said. "Later." Cody said.

After Cody had shed his gear and turned in his remaining simunition, he went to the chow hall. As he sat there eating his food, the green haired lady from the training walked up to him, she had a face of rebellion on her, Cody felt that he was about to have a colorful chat with her.

"How did you know where I was hiding?" The woman asked. "Can't answer that." Cody replied. "Głupi Amerykanie, zawsze tak aroganccy." The woman said. "Wiesz, ten głupi Amerykanin może mówić po polsku." Cody said. "Ela, zostaw go w spokoju." Another familiar voice said. The green haired woman sighed in frustration, and left.

"Sorry staff sergeant, she dosent like losing." The voice said. Viking turned and saw an old friend. Zofia Bosak. "Zofia, its been awhile." Cody said. "three years right? If I was to remember, you were still in the Rangers right?" Zofia asked. "Yeah, joint parachute training back in Poland, I remember that jump, one of the new guys landed wrong and his leg snapped in three places."  Cody replied.

"Yeah, that one." Zofia replied. A silent pause filled the air for a few seconds. "Well, I'll let you eat in peace, see you around Cody." Zofia said, she then walked out of the cafeteria. 

Cody felt his pocket vibrate. It was his communicator. "Please report to Six." it said. Cody cleaned up his tray, and went to Harry's office. After a short walk, he reached the solid oak door. Cody knocked. "Enter" a voice from within said. Cody entered.

"Hello again Staff Sergeant." Harry greeted. Another person was in the office. A heavy set man, he was older with a gruff face. "Privet" The man said, Cody nodded. " Staff Sergeant this is specialist Maxim Basuda, he is the leader of our Spetznaz operators here in rainbow." Cody sat down in the chair next to the Russian.

'Spetznaz, this won't be good.' Cody thought. "Now, I'm fully aware of both of your respective units rivalry towards one another." Harry said. "But, this is team rainbow, all operators here should be able to work together regardless of unit." Harry said motioning to the two. "I want to know, that the both of you will work together, that also covers the other Spetznaz operators Staff Sergeant." Harry said.

"Understood." the both of them said.

"Alright, dismissed." Harry said.

Both operators left Harrys office. "I trust you know Russian, American?" Maxim asked "Ya nemnogo znayu." Cody replied.  The Russian smiled, "Good, because my English is not the best, I look forward to working with you, privideniye." Maxim walked away. 

The next couple of hours were a blur. After the meeting with Harry, Cody went to his room and changed into his workout gear. He spent some time in the gym, where a lot of the other operators were. He sparred against a Brazilian operator, she gave Cody quite a run for his money. He also got dragged into a wager against one of the German operators. In the end, Cody lost 10 dollars to the German.

After his workout, he went back to his room, when he reached the door he noticed something was off, the lock seemed like it had been picked. Cautiously, Cody entered his room. he would have had one of his sidearms with them, but they were currently in lockup. Cody entered the main area of his room, some of his computer equipment was scattered about, but that was Cody's doing the night before, not whomever had broken in.

Cody moved to the bedroom, the door was open, but Cody remembered that he had closed it when he left. He entered the room and scanned his belongings, none of them had been disturbed. Suddenly, Cody got an eerie feeling, one that he only had one other time, back in Afghanistan.

"Trying to sneak up on me Nokk?" Cody asked aloud. He turned around and saw a familiar face, underneath a hoodie. "Been awhile Cody, wanted to see if you were still sharp." Nokk answered "Well, call me a scalpel, cause I'm still very, very sharp." Cody replied. Nokk slightly chuckled at him. "Still have that terrible humor." She said.

"You know, you didn't have to break in, right?" Cody said. "I wanted to catch up, but I didn't want to leave and come back." She replied "You a real piece of work, you know that?" Cody said jokingly. "You want some coffee? We can catch up." Cody asked. Nokk nodded yes.

Cody brewed up some of the complimentary coffee that came with the room. When it was done, he poured the both of them cups of the bitter drink. the two friends spent about two hours catching up and reminiscing. After her mission in Afghanistan, Nokk spent a few months traveling the world, she was in the middle of one of her adventures when she encountered Harry, who made her one heck of an offer.

Cody was finishing up telling Nokk about the Somalia op when he looked at the time, it was late. Nokk took the hint. "I guess I should be going, it is quite late." Nokk said. "Yeah, but don't be a stranger." Cody said while yawning. "I wanted to tell you Cody, you're working in my part of Team Rainbow, intelligence and recon." Nokk said. "Yes Ma'am." Cody said, he walked Nokk out and closed the door behind her.

It was late, and Cody was still slightly jetlagged. So he headed for bed.


Głupi Amerykanie, zawsze tak aroganccy (Polish): Stupid Americans, always so arrogant

Wiesz, ten głupi Amerykanin może mówić po polsku. (Polish) : You know, this stupid American can speak Polish.

Ela, zostaw go w spokoju. (Polish): Ela, leave him alone.

Privet (Russian) : Hello

Ya nemnogo znayu. (Russian): I know a little.

privideniye (Russian): Ghost/Spectre

(AN: So, I know, I know, I just put a note in the previous chapter, but, this is really important. I have finals coming up soon, so, the update schedule to this story will be put on hold here in a little bit, I will try to get out one more chapter that I'm currently working on, but I can't make any promises. Just bear with me.

- Thanks Peak

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