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AN: My first modern AU. Yey! Hope you'll like this!

She tried.

She hoped.

She worked hard but she failed.

She missed her chance.

She'll never be the same again.

That was it.

The end of all-

"Yahooooo? Earth to Petra? Are we here?" Hanji said and waved her hands in front of devasted ginger's face.

In reply, Petra let her head fall on the wooden surface with a thud.

"Come on! Is it even debatable? You'll improve this grade!" she said cheerfully.

"Yeah. Teacher is going to collect the list of people who are doing the correctional, so better sign in," Eren said.

"I know. I know," Petra said, words muffled. Then she straightened herself and sighed deeply.

"I can do that."

"That's the spirit," said Eren and gave Petra a confident high-five.

Professor coughed as to ask for silence and they stopped talking for now, focusing on the upcoming lession. Only two more classes and then at the double to home and to start studying.




When the last class finally had finished, teens started filling the school yard, talking, giggling, sitting on the benches.

"Hey, Petra!"

Ginger turned around met the person she was surprised to approach her first.

"I've heard about you problem with physics, so... do you need help?" he said slowly, barely looking at her, instead looking at the wall of the gate.

"Oh..." Petra managed to say after a pause. She felt her cheeks heating up a little. Wondering if he knows about her crush on him, she thought if she should say 'yes' or 'no'.

Truth to be told, she always sucks at physics. From the middle school she's always been getting Bs no matter how hard she tried to get A. In the end, she would improve her final grade at the end of the year. And the same kept happening in high school.

She and physics were in a war, she came to a conclusion.

Now to not change the subject, Petra was still mind-rushing about her answer. Though to her it felt like a whole minute had passed, in reality, it was only about ten seconds. And those ten seconds were enough for Levi to get worried if something's wrong.

It was weird actually. He, who always had intolerance for people who muttered, stuttered and took a lot of time to response, was not mad in the slightest.

Well, how can someome be possibly mad at such a smart, cute, beautiful, lovely-

Oh, brain, shut up! Levi growled mentally. Inner monologues weren't his thing, but in this situation he had to focus half of his mental strength to NOT think about all the atributes that describe Petra's personality AND physicue.

"Are you alright?" he said in monotone, inching closer to her pensive self.

As Levi's question snapped her from her state, she noticed he was closer than he should be, but she didn't want to offend him by backing away, so she forced a kind, not flustered, smile.

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