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"I've told you to be careful."


"Don't 'tch' to me. This could be much worse!"

"But it didn't."

"But it could!"

"Petra, it's alright."

"No, it isn't. And stop revolting, you'll ruin the stiches," she said and continued treating his wound.

After the expedition, of course he has to refuse the neccessary medical treatment.

"I don't care if you're strong and la la la, you have to be wrapped up when hurt. And that's the final," she said and looked at him that way that Levi uncrossed with any conterrattack he had prepared.

Instead, he only sighed and watched her. Her beautiful face was twisted by worry. Her beautiful, pale forehead was creased. He reached his hand and runned his fingers across it.

When Petra gave him a puzzled look, he smiled.

"Don't frown, you'll make yourself wrinkles."

"But wrinkles show you lived, right?" she said wih a small smile.

"I guess so."




"Look at her now. Tells me to take the medical treatment and skips hers. What an example you are."

"It's nothing, just a scratch," Petra defended.

"Scratch, my ass. Come here," he said and grabbed her hand, dragging her to his office.

"Levi, what if someone sees us?" Petra asked in loud whisper.

"Fuck it", was all he said.

When they reached the office, Levi took medical supplies and ordered Petra to sit on the chair.

She reluctantly obeyed and pulled up her thorn sleeve, revealing a large cut from her wrists all the way to her elbow. And she didn't want to be treated. *sigh* What a stubborn woman. Cares about others more than for herself. Captain wondered how she had survived all these years.

"I could have done it myself," she muttered, blushing as Levi took her hand and started cleaning the wound.

"Sure," Levi replied.

They had spend two minutes in silence before Petra decided to break it.

"Have you ever treated soldiers before?"

Levi was taken by surprise, resting the piece of cotton on Petra's skin.

"Except of you, only Hanji once. Why?" he asked and moved his orbs up.

"Well... when I was little, once I thought about Commander or higher-ups treating wounds of their soldiers in urgence. I wondered if it happened sometimes or do only people specialized for that job did it. I've never seen you doing it before, but I had to ask nonetheless," she explained.

Corner of Levi's lip curled up. "Things work differently in military. But," he said, "it doesn't mean there won't appear a Commander who'll one day mach your fanazies in the future."

"There was no fanazies! I was just wondering!" Petra said, face heated-up. She got embarrassed because she thought that Levi thought that she fantazied about ideal and heroic man as the leader of the regiment she so much abored from her younger days.

"Sure," Levi replied and wrapped her hand up with pure white bandages.

"Promise from now on, you'll always let yourself being treated," he said and locked his eyes with hers. Girl understood this wasn't just a plea, it was also an order.

"I promise," she said and ruffled his dark locks.


"But the same goes for you!"









"... N-"


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