Selene and Ambrogio

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"So how do vampires exist?"  I questioned.

Archer sat down at the kitchen table again, I followed and sat beside him.

"Well the first vampire started off as a boy. A young boy with an adventurous spirit named Ambrogio. Ambrogio was raised in Italy, having always longed to travel to Greece.  In Greece he wanted his fortune told by the Oracle of Delphi. Once Ambrogio was an adult, he had set out on a boat to the western edge of Greece, a place near Astakos. Travelling as far east, he reached the City of Delphi. It was home for the Oracles, and also home to a Temple of Apollo the Sun God. The Oracles would sit and discuss of prophecies within a chamber in the temple. The prophecies where also inspired by Apollo to those who found the temple for the Oracles advice." Archer paused for a moment, his eyebrow frowning.

"Ambrogio arrived at the temple, and when he spoke to the Oracle, the words they spoke were 'The Curse. The Moon. The blood will run.' Ambrogio couldn't sleep all night, as the words played repeatedly in his head. He stood outside the temple wondering what the Oracles words meant. As the sun rose, Ambrogio realised he hadn't slept and started to walk to town, as he walked away, he saw a beautiful woman all dressed in white. As she walked up to the temple, Ambrogio ran over to her introducing himself. The ladies name was Selene. Her sister was one of the Oracles and Selene was a maiden of the temple. Every morning before dawn Ambrogio and Selene would meet and they soon fell in love. On his last day in Greece, Ambrogio asked Selene to marry him and come back to Italy, she agreed. They agreed to meet at the temple the next day before dawn."

"Is this a love story? Because I am seriously going to sleep" I yawned.

"You asked Freya, it is a long story but worth knowing." Archer continued on.

"What Ambrogio and Selene didn't know was the Sun God Apollo had taken a liking to Selene as well and had been watching them. He was outraged Ambrogio would come to his temple and steal one of his beautiful maidens away. At sunset that night, Apollo came forth to Ambrogio and cursed him so from that day on, Ambrogio would burn when the sun touched his skin. Distraught Ambrogio went and hid in a cave which led to Hades the God of the Underworld. Ambrogio told Hades his story, because Hades felt sorry for him, made him a deal. If he could steal the silver bow of Artemis, bring it back Hades would offer protection in the Underworld to Ambrogio and Selene. As collateral Ambrogio had to leave his soul in Hades, until he returned with the bow. If he didn't. He would have forever lived in Hades, never seeing Selene again. Every night Ambrogio would leave a letter to Selene, written with a swan feather using the swans blood to write. Selene continued working at the temple. Not wanting to anger Apollo more. On his 45th night, Ambrogio used his last arrow to kill another man swan too offer to Artemis but his arrow missed. Now he had no more arrows and no offering to Artemis. He fell to the floor and wept. Because of his bravery and how hard he fought to hunt, Artemis came up to him. Artemis was the Goddess of hunting and the moon, also she was Apollo's sister.

"Ooh that's a twist." I giggled. 

Archer shushed me, "Seeing how dedicated he was Artemis took pity, Ambrogio begged to borrow her silver bow and another arrow to try and kill one more swan. The Goddess agreed, once he had the bow he ran towards the cave. Artemis realised what he was doing and cursed silver to burn him.

"Both siblings like to curse people to burn" I cut in again.

"I'm almost done Freya. The bow burnt him, he dropped it. Ambrogio begged her to forgive him, telling her about his curse with Apollo and his love for Selene. He swore he had no other choice. Artemis took pity on him again, giving him another chance.  She offered him immortality, strength and speed as great as her own. She would make him a great hunter, with fangs to write his letters with blood always. On two conditions. One, Ambrogio and Selene would have to live under Artemis forever. Two, Artemis was a virgin Goddess, everyone of her followers had to remain unmarried and chaste. Meaning Ambrogio and Selene could never touch again. Never kiss or have children together. With no choice Ambrogio agreed. He wrote Selene another letter to meet him at the shipping dock. Selene snuck away early morning and saw Ambrogio ship at the dock. Once she jumped in, she noticed a coffin, on the coffin was a note saying 'tell the ships captain to sail and not to open this coffin until nightfall. Selene did as it said. At nightfall she opened the coffin, Ambrogio was alive and well. They sailed off and lived with Artemis for years, never touching."

"Well that's a little romantic" sarcasm sounded through my voice.

"Not finished yet." I moaned and Archer laughed. "Yet through the years Ambrogio did not age but Selene was mortal and did. One day she fell ill, on her deathbed. Ambrogio hunted swans to offer Artemis to save Selene. Artemis showed to him and because of his loyalty for years, he could touch Selene once, to taste her blood. All of it. Her mortal body would die but from then on, her blood mixed with his would help him create more eternal life for anyone who consumed his blood. If he agreed, Artemis would make sure they would be together forever. Selene begged him after hearing the deal, yet Ambrogio wanted to refuse. He couldn't, as he drank every last drop of her blood. Selene's body went limp, yet she started to glow, her soul travelling up to the sky. The moon shone bright as Selene became the Goddess of the moonlight, every night her rays would forever be touching Ambrogio's skin and her new children."

"Is that the ending?" Archer nodded " holy cow, that is the most confusing story I have ever heard and it didn't even have a happy ending. They didn't get to kiss. She shone her moonlight on him. In reality she died and he was delusional." I scoffed.

"Well I never said it had a happy ending."

"Well I assumed, the whole story was based on him loving a girl so much he was cursed multiple times to try and be with her forever, yet he couldn't even touch her for years. She died and he still didn't get to touch her in a sweet way. No he was the one to kill her. His love for Selene was his reason to be cursed forever. It just seems like it was pointless."

"Yes,  one day you can ask him yourself if his love for Selene was pointless."

"What he's real?" I gasped.

"Yes, like I said he was the first vampire. He still walks this Earth, among humans. He's more modernised now. His name isn't Ambrogio anymore, he has a night job as the sun still does in fact burn him. Through the years we have evolved and the sun weakens us."

"What is his name?" I asked the first question which came to my mind.


I burst out laughing. The great first vampires name is now Jaxson. He did go modern.

"Yes it isn't the name I would of chosen but he still is great ruler of all vampires. He made all the rules, rules which if we don't follow end with death in fire."


"Be serious Freya."

"I am. I promise." I drew a cross over my heart. "And hope to die."

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