Colourful Swirls

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I was standing in front of Archer before he stepped through the door, jabbing my finger at his chest.

"What the hell is going on Archer?!" I jabbed him harder.

Archer didn't cower, his eyes focused on me. Why wasn't he reacting? I snapped, I slapped him. His head jolted to the left, yet he still didn't move. His eyes glowing.

"Explain yourself Archer!" I yelled at him, tears swelling in my eyes, I swiped them away. "What the hell do the journals mean? Why is there so many of me? Is this a sick game?" My mind was racing, my breathe ragged.

"Freya." Archer's voice firm, when he placed his hands on my shoulder, I knew his motive was to move me but his fingertips instead trailed down my sides. Archer groaned.

"Fuck it," Archer tugged me towards him.

His movements so abrupt, catching me off guard. Archer's hand snaked up the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. His hand curled into my hair, he slowly tilted my head back. All of this felt so familiar, the way our bodies fit so naturally together. Archer's eyes glowed his lips turned up in a smirk. He kissed me. Hard. One of his hands grazed down my back and grasped my ass. The kiss awakened parts of my body I didn't know existed. I ran my fingertips through his hair, and I felt a energy gush through my body. Colours and swirls danced behind my eyelids, the energy was pure ecstasy. It was more fulfilling compared to drinking blood. No instead I was absorbing the swirls out of his body. I could hear Archer's heartbeat skipping a beat. I broke myself away, shoving Archer backwards.

"Hell" Archer muttered.

"What the fuck was that Archer?" I ran my fingers through my hair. I've never experienced a kiss where I see colourful swirls.

"I have no idea" Archer shivered. "But whatever it was, the experience was mind blowing but I feel like I ran a marathon and also went to gym. I'm buggered"

Archer stepped around me heading towards the kitchen. Yanking the fridge open, he grabbed a bottle and started gulping the blood down. I could smell the blood, yet it didn't send me into a craze. Hell I didn't even want any, I was full. I waited until Archer was full, until I asked him my question again.

"Who is Audrey and Victoria?"

Archer went rigid and stayed still for a few moments, his back was at me and I couldn't see his expression. Archer's shoulders slumped and he turned around. His expression sad.

"Audrey was my first love. A magnificent woman. When I met her, my heart soared. She knew my mind better then I knew it myself. She knew everyone of my demons and still loved me anyways." Archer placed the bottle down, "she was mortal and only 23 years old and back in 1652 her age was considered matured, most mortals of that time didn't even make adulthood. But as she was mortal she grew old, she never wanted to become as I was and promised me to never turn her. I complied and watched her pass on."

Archer's face became distant, his mind somewhere else.

"And Victoria was her clone?" The question sounded dumb.

"Not exactly. Victoria was the second reincarnation of Audrey, it wasn't until she was 24 I stumbled upon her. Pure luck honestly, I was only traveling through Greece. In this life she looked exactly like Audrey except her hair was jet black and thick with curls. Her skin so ivory, she looked exotic. This version of Audrey was more fierce, a real warrior. It was very difficult to pursue her but she fell for my charms, as Audrey had. Through the years I have had a love story with each version of you there is. Never letting them know there was another before them. You are the first." Archer glared, " only because you snooped."

"You acted suspicious, you got my snooping mode in gear."

Archer's laugh bounced off the walls, I liked his laugh.

"So you're saying you've loved every version of me that there has been?" Archer nodded. "Dude, that's commitment. It's 2018 and I can hardly even get a text back. Yet all I had to do was wait until I was like, what, 24?"

"Oh Freya."

"And what was with that kiss?" I looked at his face, if I didn't know better I swear his cheeks brightened.

"You yelling, it reminded me of Audrey. She was the shyest girl but once she was mad, oh she was thrilling. Our fights always ended in the sheets." Archer winked.

"Wait, that's not what I meant." A thought popped in my head, I cringed. "Wait, you have been uh, hot and heavy with each me?"

Archer chuckled, "oh yes, hot and heavy."

"So you've seen me naked?" Shit.


"Oh god" I hid my face in my hands.

"Your body never changes each lifetime, and its mouth watering"

"Archer!" I shoved him in the shoulder.

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