Dreaming Truths

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It was the afternoon and I was back in my room. Everything that's gone on in the last two days was spinning around in my head. I was a vampire, but yet for some reason, when I touched Archer.

A kind of energy radiates into me and it stops my blood craving. I still haven't needed any blood. I've already seen Archer drink three bottles since the kiss. I was tired and in need of a nap, the thoughts making me dizzy. I closed my eyes, letting sleep wash over me.


My eyes fluttered open, I was standing in front of a girl wearing a blue gown. Her red hair flowed past her shoulders close to her waist. I felt that I knew her before she turned around but when she did, I gasped. Audrey.

"Freya darling" her voice soft.

I stepped back. I'm dreaming I need to wake up. She took a step towards me every step I took back.

"Please stop" I begged her.

"Freya, it's okay. We need to talk, I'm afraid you're in danger."

Shaking my head, "this isn't real."

Audrey stepped towards me again, reaching out. When she touched me I could feel her heart beating through her veins. My mouth watered slightly but what shocked me is the way her energy flowed into me. It wasn't like Archer's kiss, Audrey's was dull. More like a tease. But yet she didn't let go, instead she grabbed my other arm. Urging more of her energy to flow inside me.

"Freya everything you have been told is a lie. You're in grave danger, Archer is dangerous. He is not who you think he is. You need to find Lucy, she will explain everything." Her voice was filled with desperation.

"Whose Lucy? What do you mean Archer is dangerous? He's your old boyfriend?"

She was starting to fade, her energy slowing turning into a trickle every now and again. What was happening?

"Freya, you're important. Much more important then you know. You have the power to survive without blood." Her voice was soft now, her grip on my arms weakened and she fell to the floor.

"Audrey are you okay?!" I dropped to the floor beside her.

She didn't respond and her heart beat was weak, I shook her and her energy flowed into me and I heard her take her last breathe.

"No Audrey!"


My eyes snapped open and I sprung up. My breathing was heavy but yet I felt well rested. What the hell was that? Why did it feel so real? I stood up. Not quite sure what to think of the dream. I need to wet my face and bury that dream away. It was just a nightmare.

I walked out of my room and to the bathroom, I didn't see Archer anywhere on my way through. Maybe he's still sleeping. The bathroom was just your plain. White walls with white tiles, it had a line of blue tiles in the middle going around the entire room, which had little dolphins on them. The shower and bath and connected and the toilet and sink were on the side. I washed my face and looked up into the mirror.

"What the hell?" I gasped.

My eyes. My eyes were no longer red, they were bright blue. Brighter then what they used to be. I blinked a few times, still blue. Wait am I dreaming again? I couldn't believe it, staring back at me was a normal looking girl. I no longer had fiery red eyes, and my skin wasn't as pale as it was before.

I have to find Archer. I rushed out of the bathroom and towards Archers room, I slightly pushed his door. Asleep. He looked so peaceful and younger when asleep.


He stirred but didn't quite wake up, so I stepped into his room. It was so dark no wonder he slept in the sun didn't even penetrate past his curtains.

"Archer please wake up" I was little closer to me, hoping he would hear me.

Still nothing. I took a step towards him and softly touched his arm. I didn't even see him react, his arm circled around my wrist. His eyes blazed red and his grip was tight.

"What are you doi...?" Archers eyes widened "your eyes."

"I know, how did this happen?" I was excited, maybe I'm back to normal.

"I have no idea Freya" Archer sat up in his bed. "What did you do that was different?"

"I had a dream, about Audrey. She spoke to me and grabbed onto my arm and I could feel her energy flowing into my body. It wasn't like ours more like a  steady flow until she started to fade and then once her last bit of energy flowed to me, she died. Or I think so. I woke up."

"Wait my Audrey?" Archers back straightened.


"What do you mean she died? She died years ago." Archers was confused.

"Well I guess it was just a dream but it doesn't explain why my eyes changed colour." I shook my head in disbelief.

"Did she say anything to you?"

Do I tell him about what Audrey said, about him being dangerous.

"No she just spoke a lot of gibberish that I couldn't understand. I was more focused on the energy she was flowing into me."

"I don't understand" Archer shakes his head.

He proceeds to get out of bed, he had only pyjamas on as his bare chest was making my heart race, he could probably hear how I was reacting to him. I tried to slow my heartbeat. I need to get myself together, I need to think rationally and not like a horny twelve year old boy. Archer was pacing around his room, his eyebrows burrowed. I could tell his thoughts were spinning through his head a mile an hour. I wasn't sure if I should tell him about what Audrey actually said.

About him not being who I think he is and dangerous. What could she possibly mean by that? All he has done to me is be helpful, he saved my life when no one else helped me. I owed him. I decided that it wasn't worth mentioning ever, it was a dream and dreams aren't real.

"Archer maybe my eyes were meant to change? We've already established that I'm different from a normal vampire." I walked up to him.

"Yes but why now? Why after you've slept and had that weird dream?" He wats staring so intently at me.

I couldn't help myself, I put my hand on his cheek. I could feel his energy course through me. It rushed over me in waves, a moan escaped my lips.

"Freya, please don't" Archers voice was quiet.

I dropped my hand instantly.

"I'm sorry, it just drains me and we need to go to see a friend of mine. We need to find answers to why you are like you are" Archer ran his hands through his sleep messed hair.

"What friend?" Another vampire?

"It doesn't matter who, please go and get dressed. I'll meet you in the kitchen and then we'll go."

I walked out of his room and back towards my own. While I dressed my mind was racing, who are we meeting. Are we going into town? I always had so many questions but yet never any answers. I was in the kitchen in five minutes beating Archer. He wasn't far behind and we went outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2019 ⏰

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