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For the rest of the night, Archer spoke to me about ways to try and control my thirst. Steps included breathing through my mouth and out my nose. Not breathing at all. Practice on animals. He told me the rules we have to follow. One being the obvious don't let humans know our secrets. Two, no killing in public places. Causing attention is a no, no. And three, any vampire who kills another vampire is punished with Death.

Two vampires had been punished to death for going on a rampage and killing hundreds in a town, even a vampire and they left no survivors. Massacring the town men's, woman and children. Jaxson ripped their heads off and burnt the bodies. A brutal way to punish someone and I thought going to jail would be scary. Getting your head ripped off and burnt is pretty drastic.

The next day, the early morning sun beamed into the windows. Archer had gone into town, go get supplies he said. I agreed to stay here, and to not go anywhere. I agreed to stay because I had plans to search the house, find  answers to questions I've got. I stopped and  had a look around the house. It was outdated, the blue paint flaking off the old wooden walls. I was standing in the kitchen. Everything being your straightforward everyday kitchen, an ancient oven and a sink with a added pantry cupboard.

A few cupboards with marble look benches outlined the kitchen. Next to it was the lounge room which also had a door on its side which was the room Archer slept in. If you walked down the hallway, two more doors lined it, one was my room and the other I was unsure of its purpose. I twisted the door knob, it didn't budge. Locked. Hmm. I placed my ear up to the door, I couldn't hear anything. I pulled away. Must be storage. I walked to Archer's room. Hopefully his secrets are in here.

Nudging his bedroom door open, I stepped inside. It wasn't what I expected at all. His room was bland, no decorations or anything. Nothing hung on his walls, his furniture being the basics. A bed in the corner, duchess beside the door and a nightstand with a lamp on top beside the bed. Hmmm. I assumed the duchesses were filled with his clothes, the nightstand looked promising. I opened the drawers, inside he had three black leather journals. Picking them up, I flickered through a few of the pages of the first journal.

Not knowing what I was looking for. A particular page stopped me, there was a drawing. A hand drawn drawing. My heart thumped against my chest. I was focusing on a drawing showing a girl with long hair and a diamond shape face. Archer Huston written in the bottom right corner of the journals page. Beside the picture was a journal entry with the date. 3rd of April 1652. I dropped the journals. What is going on? Why does Archer have a drawing of me in his journal? 1652? That can't be true, I wouldn't even be alive if that was the case. And how could Archer draw this if he had only  met me a day ago? What the hell is going on.

I backed out from his room, my mind spinning with questions I couldn't find any answers too. What the hell have I gotten myself into? I'm a new vampire, which vampirism has rules and I have to follow them otherwise I'll come to a fiery death and the person who was my saviour, might be a total creep and I have no idea where I could escape to. My home is not ideal, definitely not if I can't control myself around humans. I don't need to be like the two lovers who were brutally murdered for going on a rampage. I walked back to my room, I need to think. Calm down Freya.

I need to ask Archer straight up. He has to tell me, I've seen the picture and there's no easy explanation to the drawing. Is Archer more sinister then saint? I've screwed up if he's evil. I have no where to run, I've become a willing victim to my kidnapper. What will he do to me once he knows  I found the picture. I couldn't tell him. No I had to keep it secret. I ran back to his room, picking the journal up from the floor. The drawing still stunned me, the way Archer drew me, I looked beautiful. My hair was thick and luscious, my eyes shined with happiness while my smile was mischievous and playful. Reading the entry written beside the photo.

3rd April 1652,
The mystery girl continues to haunt my dreams every night. I don't know her name or why I was dreaming about her, I've never met the girl. Yet her mischievously beautiful smile seared my memory. I felt as if I knew her. My drawing did no justice to her beauty, she had a way of grabbing you're attention making you succumb to her every demand. I hoped this dream girl is real and I get to relish in her beauty.

Archer Huston.

I flipped through more pages, trying to get  more answers.

14th October 1652,

I met the mystery girl. Her name is Audrey Ann Wilstein. A beautiful name. She was a stunning mortal who got my vampiric heart racing. Her blood smelled like a tropical drink. I could tell from the few seconds I knew her that she was shy but a courageous person if she had to be.

Archer Huston.

I picked another journal up, opening up to a random page.

21st July 1767,

Today I saw Audrey. In my 1742 journal entry, Audrey passed away. Old age being her final battle she lost too. She had been reincarnated and stood before me as a 24 year old version of Audrey. Her name now being Victoria Rose Smith. How I am so lucky to get to spend another lifetime with Audrey is simply a miracle.

Archer Huston.

What the hell? I have ancestors who I look the same as, who has fallen in love with Archer every lifetime. I searched for a much more recent journal entry. Picking up the final journal, I flickered through. Finding a page about the night from my robbery.

19th September 2018,

I found another Audrey lookalike again, each one being so different from the other. Audrey was such a shy girl who had ambition and such a kind heart. The rest only had a few traits which resembled Audrey. But none compared to Audrey, even though they all had her looks. For the first time in every Audrey look a like, I turned one into a vampire. Shattering my chance of finding my Audrey again. The one I turned a vampire, her name is Freya. I heard her screams and  found her in a pool of her own blood. Dying. She was so young, I wasn't even sure she was an adult. She looked like a baby compared to the rest of the Audrey lookalikes that had died. Every single death they faced, it was always at an older age. I couldn't deny her pleas for life.

Archer Huston.

This was written yesterday, while I was converting into a vampire. He didn't turn me because I was a random stranger he didn't want to die. He didn't want to let his potential lover die before he could pursue me. Lies, he has been feeding me lies. What did he want to do with me? Hold me enslaved forever so I could  play his sick games? Mhm not
happening. I stormed to my room, my blood simmering. I punched the wall, the plaster splintered around my fist. 

"Shit" I exhaled.

Now there's a hole in the wall, I clenched my jaw, attempting to keep my anger from simmering over. My head snapped to my left, towards the front of the house, a car door shutting snagged my attention. Archer's home.

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