14 | and her mask slips

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'You can bloody well kiss my ass,' she blurted with a fierce glare. 'Even if I did, it wouldn't be fucking ethical!'

Tony loved it when Elle profaned. It went as far as committing to something that irked just to get her to curse. She had an accent too, which upped the licentious factor in her or maybe it was a weird fetish—he was working on that. For the past few weeks, the only way to get to speak with his only was to trigger her angering topics, for example, kids. Family. The whole nine yards. Elle would go as far as to hold a crucifix to keep away. But yes, It was all fun and games until the devil awakened.

'Why the hell not?'

'You can't just propose to me for a baby, Tony,' she said. Even her lips had curled down to a sneer, he could hear the growls escaping them. He tried to act as nonchalant as possible, busying himself with the repulsor nodes on this hand-held armour and aimlessly drilling into a hole with a screwdriver. He refused to look up, and figured he would laugh if he did.

'Look,' he mused, sliding out the node from his forearm, hoping to show how much this really meant to him. 'I want a baby. You might want a baby-ish. What's the deal?'

'Because,' she whispered, looking at him through her lashes. Her teeth went taut over her lips and she hunched into herself. Tony's inquisition couldn't get any higher. 'I want to get married first.'

'So traditional,' he made a disgusted face and she rolled her eyes in response. 'Elle, it's the twenty-first century. And I am taking, like, fifteen per cent prevalence of that fact.'

'I want children, too, love,' she murmured, clasping his jaw to make him face her. Her rich eyes were tense when she spoke. 'But sometimes, eighty-five per cent is a huge difference. I'm getting the willies just thinking about it.'

'Look at it this way,' he said, still not giving up. 'We have a kid. Say, a girl⁠—'

'A boy.'

'⁠—a boy,' he nodded in acceptance, pleased that he was at least getting a reply. Her eyes went ten shades lighter, eager to see where this was going. He placed his hands on either side of her legs and graced her with a grin of his own. 'A cool name like...'




He made a face. 'Ew.'

THE ELEVENTH HOUR » tony stark ²Where stories live. Discover now