2. Return of the Worst. King. Ever.

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It didn't take long to drive to camp, the Big House was lit from the inside and the porch light. There were lights lining the paths between the cabins and throughout the camp.

Annabeth parked in front of the Big House. "What now?" Mr. D grumbled, setting down his cards and taking a sip of Diet Coke. He looked at the drink disdainfully. "I need alcohol to handle stuff this late at night."

Percy helped the kids out of the car as Annabeth climbed the steps up towards the porch. Chiron moved his wheelchair to face her. "Annabeth, what brings you here so late."

"Well, we were planning to come tomorrow, but I took the monster attack as a sign to come early." she answered, hugging her old mentor. "Have you heard anything from Alex?"

Chiron sighed deeply. "Actually, it's good timing you came here tonight." he stood, his wheelchair melting away as he walked down the stairs beside Annabeth. "We have reason to believe that Alex is still on her quest."

"Still? It's been three years."

Chiron nodded. "Yes, I am well aware. But it seems her quest might have brought her into the realm of Kronos."

Percy froze at the name. "He's dead." he growled, instinctively placing a hand in his pocket.

Lilli hugged his leg, "Who's dead?"

Percy looked down at her, regretting his harsh tone. "Hopefully, no one you will ever meet." he answered, ruffling her hair.

"Yes, he is dead." Chiron told him than paused, watching Sam with amusement as his mouth stretched into a yawn. "Perhaps we should continue this inside."

The two demigods nodded. Percy grabbed the cat carrier from the back seat and closed the car door, locking it. They all followed Chiron up the stairs, Percy holding Lilli's hand while Annabeth carried Sam. They stopped in the main room, the two kids quickly falling asleep in the two armchairs closest to the fireplace, where Seymour the Leopard Head snoozed above on the wall.

Percy placed the cat carrier next to Lilli and joined Annabeth on the couch. Chiron sat in front of them, back in his wheelchair, and Mr. D reclined on one of the chairs next to the couch. "There are rumors of a place that is overrun by Kronos' worshipers, monsters and twisted demigods left over from the Battle of Manhattan, who believe they can resurrect Kronos."

"But that's impossible, right?" Percy asked.

"Yes, it is impossible. But Kronos, while he doesn't have a physical form, still has influence of this world."

"Meaning the bastard still makes time tick." Mr. D added.

Chiron cleared his throat at the god and nodded towards the kids sleeping.

"What? They're asleep. And unless Poseidon and Athena kids suddenly gain the power of Hypnos kids to be connected to the world while asleep, then we have nothing to worry about." Mr. D defended.

Chiron rolled his eyes and resumed his conversation. "As blunt as Dionysus put it, yes. His hold allows time to pass, normally. After all, the world cannot do without at least the presence of the God of Time."

Annabeth nodded, "We knew that when we defeated him. That's why we could only split him into pieces, instead of destroying him."

"Exactly." Chiron agreed. "But there are rumors of a place where his influence is so great that time has slowed down, allowing for his followers to spend short amounts of time there and rejoin the world in a vastly different time."

"So where does Alex come in to this?" Percy asked.

"The last group of demigods returned from their quest a few days ago. We were going to ask you to come here to see what they had to say, because one of them claims to have seen a girl with a striking resemblance to Alex. And he said that the girl he saw told him that she had to spend time in this town, in order to complete her quest. He said that she wanted to send a message," Chiron paused, "To the two of you."

"What's the message?" Annabeth asked.

Chiron shook his head. "I don't know. The demigod who received it refuses to tell anyone but you. Even the other demigods on his quest don't know."

"Well then we need to speak with him." Annabeth insisted.

"Not right now. It's late and he is resting in the infirmary. Will doesn't want him disturbed until morning at least. And I'd rather not cross that Son of Apollo." Chiron finished. "Now, why don't you both stay in the Poseidon cabin. After all, its still empty."

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