3. I Really Hope This Ins't Another Dam Prophecy

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"Chiron was right," Percy grumbled, "its empty unless you count the dust bunnies."

Annabeth set the bags down on the floor and coughed as a plume of dust rose into the air. "Luckily dust bunnies aren't alive, so I don't." she responded, shaking out the blankets on two bunks, pulling them back for Percy to deposit one kid on each. Annabeth opened the cat carrier and Seastar sauntered out, casting a glare at Percy before jumping onto Lilli's bed and curling up next to her. "That cat really doesn't like you." Annabeth joked to Percy.

"You give her food late once and suddenly you're an enemy for life." Percy grumbled, walking over to the bunk that used to be his and shaking the dust off. He shook off the bunk next to it and pushed the two together before tucking himself under the blankets.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Percy, I don't know if I can sleep right now. What Chiron told us, we are the closest we have been to finding Alex for three years."

Percy nodded in understanding but folded open the blankets beside him. "I know, Wise Girl. But you being too tired to keep your eyes open, isn't going to help Alex."

"Sleeping isn't either."

"Annabeth, you didn't sleep last night because you insisted on working, and you just spent the last three hours driving, at night, and it's now," Percy turned to look at the clock on the wall. "2 am. Please, sleep."

Annabeth sighed deeply but crawled into the bed next to Percy. He wrapped his arms around her, effectively preventing her from getting up again. After a while his breathing became even and his grip slacked. As much as Annabeth wanted to get up and do something, the familiar scent of the ocean and the constant sound of running water from the fountain in the cabin, had already made her limbs and eyes feel heavy. Maybe Percy was right. Maybe she did need to sleep.

Annabeth woke with a start as something slammed itself into her side. She opened her eyes and looked up to see her son, his hair just as messy as Percy's usually is. "Mommy, there's breakfast and I'm hungry."

Annabeth sat up, Percy was no longer beside her but she could hear the shower running and Lilli sat on the floor in front of her, feeding her cat. "Who told you that?"


"Yeah, but he said not to wake Mommy." Lilli added glaring at Sam.

I response, Sam stuck his tongue out at Lilli, who did the same back. Annabeth smiled softly as she heard the shower turn off.

She grabbed clothes from her bag and dressed quickly. Percy walked out of the bathroom, dressed but his hair still dripped onto his shirt. He looked disappointingly at Sam when he saw Annabeth up and dressed. "I told you not to wake her."

Sam answered, "I know-"

"But he's hungry." Lilli finished, mockingly.

"Okay, lets go get breakfast then." Percy cut in before Sam could respond. He pulled open the door, allowing the others to go through first before closing it behind them.

"After breakfast, I need to talk to the kid." Annabeth told him.

"We will, but first we need to eat and pawn our kids off on some responsible adults." Percy told her, smirking.

Annabeth couldn't resist smiling back. "Annabeth?" a voice called from behind them.

"Piper?" Annabeth responded, turning to see her friend walk up behind them. Piper's face was aged so much more than Annabeth had been able to tell from the Iris Messages they had used. Then Annabeth remembered Jason was now at Camp Jupiter. "What are you still doing here?"

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