6. Teaching Little Percy and Annabeth Sword Fighting, R.I.P. Leo's Hair.

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"So that was the Athena cabin," Malcolm said, following Sam and Lilli onto the porch of the cabin. "You guys will stay here until your parents get back."

"Couldn't we also stay in Dad's cabin?" Sam asked, eyeing the Poseidon cabin like it was a choice hang out.

Malcolm paused, noticing his gaze. "You could, but your mom specifically said for you guys to stay here."

"So you could keep an eye on us." Lilli responded. "We know."

Malcolm didn't know how to respond, so he was thankful when Piper and Hazel came trotting up to the cabin. "You guys wanna practice in the arena?" Piper called.

"Duh!" Lilli responded, jumping off the porch. Sam jumped off after her and they met the girls halfway.

"See you later, Uncle Malcolm!" Sam called back as they headed towards the arena.

"Okay, you want to keep your sword raised and we're gonna try blocking right now, okay?" Piper coached, raising her sword for Sam and Lilli to imitate.

The two kids faced each other, swords raised. "Lilli, I want you to strike and Sam block." Hazel said after correcting Sam's form slightly. "Go."

Lilli struck hard, Sam blocked the sword but absorbed the impact, stumbling backwards. Lilli smirked, one that looked so much like Percy's, Piper had to look again. She goaded Sam on, laughing and motioning for him to take a shot.

Sam regained his balance and charged, letting out a high pitched, prepubescent battle cry that made Leo almost laugh. The swords connected and Lilli's smirk turned into a determined growl. Piper and Hazel ducked out of the way as a stream of water burst out of one of the barrels along the side, dousing Lilli in a second. She shoved Sam away and shook her arms, "Ugg," she groaned. "I can play that way too, kelp breath." she growled, and punched the gound. Shock waves rippled out from her and towards her brother, knocking him to the ground and not letting him stand as she built up a small wave behind her, preparing to send it towards him.

"Me kelp breath?" Sam laughed, finally regaining his footing as Lilli's attention turned towards building her wave. As the wave surged forward he held out his hands and the waves stopped, both kids pushing towards the other with all their strength. "You're the one who likes to eat sea seaweed chips!" he thrust his hands forwards again, sending the wave over Lilli, she tried to stop it but it swept her away.

As Lilli got to her feet she grabbed one of the real swords off the rack, discarding the wooden one she was using. Sam followed her lead and water swirled around him while the ground rippled and shook at her feet. Piper and Hazel scrambled over to stand behind the benches, the only dry place in the arena, where Leo and Will were standing. "Get out there and stop them." Piper shoved Leo forward.

"Why me?" Leo asked.

"I don't have a second pair of sneakers to wear if these get wet." Piper answered.

"I get motion sickness." Hazel added.

Will didn't say anything until Leo looked at him accusingly. "I have to stay dry incase someone is injured. Have you ever tried to put a bandaid on with wet hands?"

Leo groaned and stepped over the bench in front of him, walking into the space between the whirlpools around the two kids. "Okay, guys. Lets just relax a little bit and go to the canoe lake or something."

Neither heard or noticed him until after the two waves, one of earth one of water, surged forward, colliding right at the point where Leo stood. He was swept back to the benches, ending up sprawled over one as the other three demigods moved to dodge the wave of water and mud that brought him there.

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