4. The Oracle Says Another Dam Prophecy

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When they walked into the arena, Percy had to dodge a ball of fire. It sizzled and extinguished on the wall behind him and the people in front of him froze. Leo's arm was out like he had just thrown a ball, as he realized Percy's glare was directed at him, he quickly straightened and tucked his still smoking hand behind his back. "Lilli, we are gonna have to work on that aim later."

Lilli let her sword fall to her side as she fixed Leo with a glare that could only have come from Annabeth. Leo's smirk turned almost fearful as he ducked away, making sure to put Piper between him and Lilli.

Sam and Lilli came running over when Percy and Annabeth started walking towards them again. When Sam was in arms reach, Annabeth crouched down and hugged him. "Mom, it was so awesome!" he exclaimed.

Annabeth could only smile. She stood again when Lilli pulled on his hand, leading him back to the group. Annabeth's hand lingered on his head for a moment as he walked away. Percy took a step toward her and slipped his hand in hers. "Mom?" she whispered.

Percy only gave a sad smile. He lead her over to a row of benches along the side of the arena and took a seat next to her, his arm draped around her shoulders as her head leaned on his.

Piper left Leo to Lilli's wrath to walk over. She sat on the other side of Annabeth and placed a hand on the other girl's leg. "What happened?"

Annabeth straightened before answering. "The kid didn't make it." They were all silent for a moment, watching the group teach the kids in front of them.

"That's not all, is it?" Piper asked.

Percy shook his head. "Before he died, something...possessed him. What it said, sounded like a prophecy."

Piper's eyes widened and she blew out a stressed breath, using her hands to grip the edge of the bench. "We don't know it's a prophecy. It didn't come from Rachel."

"Where is Rachel?" Annabeth asked.

"She spends most of her time in her cave now a days. But she'll be at the campfire tonight." Piper answered. "You are coming to the campfire, right?"

Percy smirked at Annabeth, earning a weak smile. "Wouldn't miss it," He said.

"Good. Cause the Stolls are in charge of fireworks, and it would be nice to have someone there with water powers."

After dinner everyone headed towards the shore for the campfire. Sam and Lilli slipped far ahead of their parents, nearly out of sight in the stream of demigods. But Percy and Annabeth didn't mind. They are safe here. They are.

The couple took a seat on one of the logs around the fire while the kids ran around along the surf with the younger campers. The Stolls and a few other Hermes and Hephaestus campers were farther down the beach, setting up fireworks for when it got dark. The rest of the Hephaestus campers were building up the fire wood, Leo waiting impatiently to light it.

Some of the Apollo campers started sing-a-longs while some of the Aphrodite campers joined in or swooned over various other campers. Nico was sitting with the Apollo campers, holding Will's hand as he talked, most likely trying to get Will to believe that Jack's death wasn't his fault. Near them was a young girl, about the age Percy remembered Alex to be. She shared features with Nico, but as she interacted with the other campers she seemed to have Will's smile and bubbly laugh.

Percy knew they had adopted an orphaned Hades camper who had arrived here when she was just an infant. But Percy hadn't actually seen the girl until now. He had heard that the girl's mom was killed trying to get her here, unable to even tell them the kid's name. Poor kid had monsters on her trail early. But she seemed happy now.

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