Meeting His Parents (pt 1)

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(A/N: hey guys how are y'all doing I'm so proud today I've been so productive and even my mom noticed and usually she doesn't so that's a pretty big accomplishment)

No time Skip (resumes right to where the last chapter left off)

Dawson's POV

Y/N was meeting my parents for the first time ever today, and we were both extremely nervous and excited for it to happen. I just hope it goes down how I plan, which is for Landon (my brother), And my mom and dad to adore my girlfriend who I love. The only family member I know will adore her and don't have to hope is Ozzie our dog who loves everyone, no matter what. I just hope the others see what I see in her. Well, not exactly what I see because that'd be inappropriate and I don't wanna have to compete with my brother. Anyway, Y/N and I got nice and dressed up for this event. She wore a blue dress with matching blue heels. I wore a matching blue shirt with a navy blue tie, and black pants and black dress shoes. We got in the car and drove to my parents place fo meet them. I parked in the driveway and got out before Y/N did, so I could open the door for her as any gentleman would, and that's exactly what I am. We walked up the front door arm-in-arm and in my other hand I held a gift bag for my family that Y/N bought but I said I'd hold it since she was my girl and I'm, as I said prior, a gentleman. Before we opened the door, I stopped and turned to her. "How are you feeling babe?" I asked. She looked down and sighed, so I took my hand and gently fixed it and moved her head towards mine so she was looking me in the eyes. "Look at me. You're beautiful and I love you. I can tell that you're nervous and I get it. I'm nervous to meet your parents myself, but just know that I'm here for you and I know they'll love you. And if they don't, then to hell with them." She smiled at my little impromptu speech and I could tell I made her smile, and feel better/happier. I turned and knocked on the door, and after only a moment or two, it swung open to reveal Ozzie barking like crazy as landon held him back and my mom and dad stood there, with big smiles on their faces. "Hey mama!" I said when I saw my mom. I smiled and brought her in for a hug. As I hugged my mom, my dad gave Y/N a friendly hug too. "Hey sweetheart, welcome to the family!" He said and I felt my smile grow larger. We went inside and sat down in the living room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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