7, pt.1

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Oh boy was I wrong.

Today turned out to be the worst day since the abuse started.

---That morning, 3rd person pov--

"YOONGI! GET THE FUCK UP!" Jin yelled through the door, and Yoongi jolted awake.

"Ill be right out Hyung!"

"You better be..."
Jin's voice trailed off as he walked back down the hallway towards the kitchen.

As soon as the footsteps faded, Yoongi jumped out of bed and ran for his closet, opening it quickly and taking out a long sleeved black shirt and a pair of blue skinny jeans.

He went over into his bathroom, looking in the mirror and raffling his hair before reaching for the box under the sink, grabbing a blade with a cover on it and stuffing it in his pocket.

"Just in case..." He mumbled under his breath.

Just then, there was another pound on his door.

"YOONGI! Hurry the fuck up already you damn turtle! Jin Hyung told you to get up 5 minutes ago!" Jimin yelled through the door, and Yoongi rused over to open it.


Yoongi got cut off by Jimin's fist slamming into his ribs and his face.

Yoongi fell to the floor after the first few hits, curling into himself as Jimin kicked his stomach and his legs and back, everywhere he could. Yoongis hands went to shield his face as he put his knees to his stomach.

"Be quicker next time you useless peice of shit!"

"I-I will b-be." Yoongi managed to stutter out, trying to keep his face blank even though pain was shooting through his body and it was now hard to breathe.

Jimin just turned and stalked down the hallway, huffing as he went.

Yoongi shook as he stared at his hands, still covering his face.

Yoongi POV

Everything hurts. I cant breathe. I can't think. I'm beaten on the floor just like with him. It's all happening again.

3rd person POV

"Hey hyung, can I have more pancakes?" Jungkook asked Jin, and Jin scooped more onto his plate.

Yoongi hobbled to the couch after several minutes, to scared to stay curled, sitting down slowly. There no more food left.  Then... A thought went through his head.

"Thats good, not eating means I can loose weight! But... It still hurts that they didnt save anything for me."

While Yoongi was in thought, he managed to get himself sat on the couching, on the farthest cushion from the members.

He just looked at his feet, thoughts consuming him until his 100 yard stare was broken by a figure looming before him.

Luckily it was just Namjoon quietly telling him that it was almost time to leave and sneakily handing him a pancake. Yoongi smiled greatfully and thanked Namjoon in a hushed whisper before Namjoon walked away.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mannnnn, I want to finish this chapter but my eyes are closing on their own, I have no choice but to just update again tomorrow.
Welp, I hope you liked this chapter, ill update with the part two in a day or so!
I hope that you have a wonderful day, night, week, month, and year!
449 words

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