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3rd person pov.

Yoongi looked at the wall of the shower, his tears mixing with the water cascading down his body, pooling in the dip of his collarbone before sliding down.

He doesn't know why he even tries anymore.

Its not like the members want him there, its not like they care that he has cuts decorating his pale, skinny arms and legs, or that he takes every hit and insult from them because they are the closest thing to a family that he has left.

He really doesnt understand why they do it, but, they're what he has from now till their disbandment.

And hes going to stick with them, because that's what he does. When he make a decision, he sticks to it, and he made the decision to stay even after the first insult hit his heart and the first hit bruised his skin.

Rm's pov.

Why do I hit him? Why do the others? 

I don't even want to anymore. The first time, it was an outlet for stress, and everyone just started hitting him and insulting him and just trying to break him.

I dont like doing this. I want to help him, i've watched the light go out of his eyes in the past 3 years of this. And I'm afriad he might have relapsed.

We helped him through all of his issues when we first discovered that he was self harming and starving himself, we helped him recover, from his past and his mind that tells dark things to him.

But then we all broke him again. The light in his eyes is gone completely, replaced by a dull look, a dark pit filled with sadness that consumes, eating away hope and light.

I need to go see him.

I get up off my bed, my feet hitting the cold floor and walk to my door, trying not to wake Jimin, whos my roommate. I creak open my door and walk to Yoongis room. He doesnt have a roommate and I know that hes awake, so I open the door regularly and step in, closing it behind me.
Hes sitting there on his bed, looking at me with the utmost terror in his eyes, his much to skinny figure shaking as I look at him.

Yoongi's pov.

After I got out of the shower, I bandaged my arms and put on a long sleeved shirt that almost reached my knees and a pair of boxers.

I headed to my bed to lay down, to at least try to sleep. I layed there for a while, my thoughts of self hatered consuming my mind. Then, my door creaked and someone stepped in.

It was Namjoon, a sad glint in his eyes, as he shut the door. I'm starting to shake now, my body reacting in the only way it knew how to after the things that have happened to me, the hits that have rained down like a torrent and the words that have pricked my skin like thorns.

As he sits on my bed next to me, I move over a bit, not wantimg to be so close to a person thats caused me harm.

But, Joonie hasn't been as bad as everyone else. He only hits me when the others are around, and barely insults me anymore.

Maybe he isnt here to hurt me. If he was, he probably would've just done it already.

He raised his hand and I fliched.

Hello peoples! That another chapter down, ill probably update again tomorrow, sorry for being absent for a little bit! I have a bit of a bad situation going on at home, parents are getting a divorce, blah blah blah, but the point is that I'm staying with my dad for half the week, aunt for half the week, and mum for Saturday's and sometimes sundays, so I'm pretty occupied and neither my mum or dad have internet. So that complicates things. But, anygays, byee, have a wonder day, month, year, life!
         668 words.

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