1. Behind Bars ⛓

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"Y/n l/n."
"And who are you here to see?"
You looked at the documents in your hand and read off it, "jeon jungkook?"
The guard looked at you with wide eyes, "y..you're his caretaker now?!"
You nodded, "yes, is there a problem?"
"N..not at all. Right this way mam." As you were walking past cells, they all started to go quiet. Some cat called you but most of them were dead silent. "I'm guessing they don't see women that often?"
"N..no there are plenty of female visitors but you're the first female to ever look after him."
"Him? Oh you mean Jungkook?"
A voice from a cell intervened before the guard could answer, "so its true then, they've got a woman to try and tame the beast." You looked into the cell to see and older man, in about his late 60's grinning at you.
"I'm not here to 'tame a beast', I'm here to help a human." You scoffed before following the guard once again.
"Good luck sweetheart." He called before the door you had just opened shut behind you.
"Miss Y/n, as a guard here for 10 years I'd advise you not to do this, this man is not fixable... he's insane he cane in here when he was 15 for god sake. For your own safety please just-"
"Open the door."
"I said open the door, I'm here to help. I'm not a coward like you, I was given Jeon Jungkook to work with and I never change until the job is done." You said.
"I hope you get good pay, because you may be here for a very long time." He put the key in the door and opened it.
You sat down at the desk and waited for the door in front of you to open. While you were laying out your documents you heard a commotion outside the door before it was viciously swung open. There were 4 guards each with a chain in their hand and at the other end of each chain was one man.
"What the fuck is this shit?!" He yelled, "you said I was going for a walk not another fucking interrogation!"
"Jeon Jungkook. I'm not an interrogator I'm your personal care taker, my name is y/n l/n." You stood up and walked over the their group,
"Mam we're going to have to ask you to move-"
"Shut up and let go of those stupid chains, HES not a fucking animal."
"We're not allowed to do that."
You stormed over to the table and grabbed a piece of paper, "this document states that, 'Criminal Jeon Jungkook is under the supervision and care of Miss Y/n l/n until either She quits working with him' Which I won't 'or he is well enough to live life outside of prison. All guards and prison wardens that are told to look after Mr. Jeon when y/n is here, must follow here every word and "command" to help Jungkook have a quick and efficient "recovery"." You turned the documents to face them, "signed by the court of law, prison protection services, my boss, do I need to go on?" The guards shook their heads, you watched a smirk form on Jungkooks mouth.
"Now I would like you to release the chains and Jungkook I'm sure can make his own way to the only available piece of furniture to sit on by himself. Thank you." There we're still hesitant to drop the chains but a final glare from you made them listen. The rattling of the chains was the most ear piercing sound that made you want to cover your ears until it had stopped.
"Miss y/n, if he attacks just scream for help."
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever now shoo!"
You gestured then off and sat down, but jungkook didn't follow.
"Are you not going to sit Mr. Jeon?"
You didn't look up until you heard the chains stop rattling behind you. He gripped your throat in his left hand, "I could kill you right now." You nodded, "then why don't you?" you croaked out.
"Because I find you interesting," he released his grip on your throat and sat opposite you. "Even though you read my documents you still decided to work with me, I've been in here for 7 years and I've still got three years left. If they don't think I'm good enough in those three years I get-"
"Another 10 year sentence, I have read it." You said looking in his eyes. You hadn't really taken into account what he looked like, deep brown eyes, softly tanned skin covered in tattoos, plump pink lips, thick thighs and huge arms. He was gorgeous. He had a small scar or his cheek but it wasn't an ugly scar in fact you thought of it as quite cute.
"Are you done admiring me?" He scoffed.
You coughed, "yes I'm quite done, so Jungkook. Let me hear your side of the story."
"You're side, yes I've read the documents. You have gang related crime, you killed this person by accident, stole this, fought that, blah blah blah but in all honesty taking someone else's words on an event isn't always correct. It's like Chinese whispers, things change all the time."
He looked you deep in the eyes, "so if I kissed you right now, and you went and told someone after 4 or 5 people you can guarantee the story will be different?" He raised an eyebrow.
You blushed at his words, "I guess so yes."
"If you're right y/n I will try and be as cooperative as possible but first, you have to kiss me."
You eyes widened in shock, "why can't you just say you did?" He smirked at you, "I want it to feel real."
"Will you listen to me?"
He nodded, leaning over the desk towards you. You put your finger up to his lips, "nice try, trying to seduce me Mr. Jeon but that's also on the documents and this is the one thing I can believe." He growled.
"Can I at least have something to remember you by?" He said swinging one of the chains in his hands. "What could you possibly want from me?"
He licked him lips and looked you up and down, "how about that black lacy bra sexy mama." You rolled your eyes, "And I'm done I'll see you again at some point Mr. Jeon." You said knocking on the door for the guards to let you out. As you left you "dropped" your hair clip on the floor with a bit of paper attached to it. Jungkooks smirked as he watched you leave but that quickly dissipated when 4 grown men walked in. He instantly put up his aggressive front, "WHAT?!" He yelled.
Before they could do anything a voice cut in, "Jeon Jungkook, do not cause trouble for the guards and guards please escort Mr. Jeon to his cell like the human being he is, thank you bye bye~" you said over the monitor into the room. Everyone sighed in disbelief, "you heard the lady escort me to my cell." He grinned.
"I said as the human being he is, he is still a criminal so if force needs to be applied, I'm won't stop you." You added making the guard smirk.

"Well I think that's a pretty successful day Jeon Jungkook maybe I should actually read his file I don't even know how old he is. "You muttered as you exited the prison...

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