10. Home 🧸

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"But I don't love jimin like I love you." You kissed his cheek before following the boys into their castle of a home.
"This is gonna be goooood." You mumbles watching Namjoon reach for the handle.
"Don't touch that handle Kim Namjoon." Jin growled.
"It'll be fine I just-"
You eyes trailed to the door handle that was now resting at your feet. Bending down to pick it up you said, "I um... I think this um."
You watched as the man that towered over you instantly curled up into a ball behind you.
"Protect me buttons, please."
Without a hint of sympathy you craned you're neck to look him dead in the eyes and say, "You'll grow back... tree." and the strutted in the now open front door.
"THATS MY BABY!" Jungkook yelled running after you.
You giggled as he swung you around and praised you for your actions. It all stopped when you took the time to take in your surroundings.... it was, A MESS.
You screamed making all the boys rush in, "what, what's wrong?"
"This, this is, my god. When was the last time you guys cleaned. Scratch that when was the last time you saw a clean floor." You kicked a pizza box out of the way.
"We rarely have the time to-"
"No excuses, now if you guys are going to continue to live here, like this, I'm not going to. So we can make it spotless by the end of the night and maintain it or I leave like I never even met you guys?"
Jungkook looked at his Hyungs wondering what they would do.
"I guess it is kind of a dump now, a woman's touch would be nice." Yoongi mumbled.
"Is that a yes to cleaning?"
There was an exchange of glances before simultaneous nods.
"GREAT! Jimin go get me a roll of trash bags, gloves and kitchen roll. Hoseok, Jin I'd like you to go to the store and buy lots of cleaning supplies, get ones that smell nice and for everything. Windows, sinks, toilets, walls the lot. Buy some ingredients for food aswell, I'll cook tonight as a treat."
They nodded, "oh grab some Lillies too."
"Namjoon, I'd like you to open EVERY window in the house, start upstairs. Then find 7 baskets and place one outside each bedroom.
"Taehyung and Jungkook you are going to help me and Jimin clean the floors."
"I wasn't even here, therefore I shouldn't have to-"
"You want to live correct?"
He slowly nodded, "Then you'll clean."
"Oh Yoongi, don't think you can escape either." You cooed at the man who was slowly making his way to the door.
"I want you to go into every room and pick up any water bottles you see."
"That's it?"
"For now. Hop to it."
Then it begun.
Jimin and Taehyung were picking up the trash from the front room while you and jungkook moved around the hallways doing the same. Yoongi came down about 6 times arms full of bottles each time, "how did you know there was going to be so many?" He sighed wiping sweat from his forehead.
"A hunch." You smiled.
Jin and Hobi walked in the door balancing multiple items in their arms, "start scrubbing the mould off the walls, Jin. Hobo clean the bathrooms."
They nodded and went immediately,
"Dust the lights."
You handed him a duster and polish before turning to yoongi, "Go grab the flowers and place them in the kitchen sink."
"Kookie could you take the full trash bags and put them in the black top wheeled trash." He nodded when he returned an eerie silence settled over the room, "It's a long story." He stated to his Hyungs.


After about 2 full hours the downstairs area was completely spotless and all the boys were worn out.
"Take a break!" You yelled from the kitchen grabbing water for everyone.
"Fighting isn't as tiring as this." Yoongi scoffed closing his eyes as his head rested in the back of the couch.
"Well now we're done right that's it." Taehyung practically begged with his eyes.
"No, I want you each to go into your rooms are put any item of clothing on your floor, bed, bathroom, furniture in the baskets outside your room. And while you're doing that I'll clean the remaining bathrooms and windows." You smiled.
"Then we'll be done?" Jimins eyes begged.
"Yes, then we'll be done."
"OKAY, GUYS LETS DO THIS!" Hobi cheered standing up.
The boys followed his lead until it was just you and Jungkook in the room, "what?"
You asked as his eyes lingered on your face.
He smiled, "I'm so glad that you're mine."
You felt your face immediately heat up and you shoved him upstairs, "GO!"
While the boys were gathering they're clothes you began setting out ingredients for cooking.
"IM DONE!" Jimin yelled.
"Well done-"
"Great so-"
"Y/N I've got mine." Yoongi said.
"So what you need to do is-"
"Next person to interrupt me ISNT eating!"
The other boys came in with their baskets full.
"Okay put black clothes together with underwear. White clothes together with underwear. Pink orange red and yellow go together. Blue and purple can mix. Green alone and grey alone. Silk and wool go in a separate pile as well as the things that need to be dry cleaned or handwashed."
"Where do we?"
"On the floor."

After looking at the floor you whistled.
"You guys wear ALOT of black clothes. OKAY, I guess we'll have to divide into 3 small piles. Taehyung go with Jin to a dry cleaning store and get them to deal with that...."

"Psst Maknae, she talks a lot." Jimin mumbled to Jungkook as y/n continued to ramble.
"I know but once we've done it once then we won't have to do it like this ever again."
"Is my conversation not riveting enough for you two?"
They shuddered and shook their heads, "we um... well we were talking about-"
"I don't want to hear it, you two are on trainer duty."
You grinned as you reached for the handle of a closet by the front door, "NO Y/N DONT THATS-"
The door swung open and shoes came tumbling out.
"Sort them." You smiled.
Everyone groaned as you assigned the rest of the boys with the task of tidying their rooms.
"Actually clean them!!" You called as they trudged up the stairs.
With that settled and Jungkook and Jimin re-arranging the show cupboard you got to work on cooking.

(Time skip)

"Y/n we're done." Double trouble called from the other room.
"Good now tidy your rooms." They groaned trudging up the stairs, then you heard rapid footsteps come flying down.
"Y/n, I'm done." Hobi beamed.
"So if I check under your bed I'll find it spotless?" He froze and walked back upstairs.
"Y/n my room is actually done."
Yoongi scoffed sitting down at the table, "picking everything up and putting it in a bin isn't clean yoongi, what if there are important things in it." The chair screeched and you heard footsteps going back up stairs.
This continued right up until tae and Jin got back.
"My room is actually clean, I just need to make my bed." Jin sighed.
"That I can believe. Jin help me with dinner then. Tae, go tidy your room."
Even still the up and down of stairs continued,
"If I open your closet door nothing's gonna fall out?"
"If there's not stuff on your window you can open your curtains."
"Namjoon you may be really organised but I know for a FACT that your books are everywhere still, no it's not organised mess. Just stack them."
"Baby I'm done."
"Turn off your gaming consoles and put away the discs into the right cases." He groaned but after that everyone was down stairs and you believed them.
"I'm so-"
You placed plates infront of the boys while Jin brought out food.
Everyone's eyes lit up.
"YAH, I helped too." Jin growled as he sat down.
"Dig in I'm just gonna grab some drinks." You smiled walking back into the kitchen. Once you were safely round the corner you clamped your hand over you mouth and doubled over at the pain in your stomach. You used you left hand to steady yourself against the counter and slowly trudged towards the sink and splashed water in your face.
After composing yourself you opened your eyes to see Jin next to, "MY GOD! You scared the shit outta me!" You giggled but he didn't laugh.
"Jin what-"
"Talk to me after dinner, I specialise in medical health."
"I'm fine I just-"
"I saw you wincing and tensing up while we cooked, just come to my room later okay?" You nodded.
He helped you carry bottles and glasses to the table, "Baby what do you want?" Jungkook asked eyeing your empty plate.
"I... I'm not really that hungry."
"Buttons are you okay, you can normally out eat anyone and now you're not even hungry?"
You sent a glare to joon.
"I'll just have some rice and bulgogi for now." Jungkook set some on your plate and you thanked him.
About 5 minutes into eating Namjoon stood up, "uhh I'd like to make a toast. First of all welcoming Jungkook home after many years but not only that for him bringing the woman/ old friend and saviour that we all needed, y/n."
"Without y/n I'm pretty sure Jungkook would've gone feral in prison so not only did you keep out Maknae in check, you also made our one disgusting pigsty of a house a home we can all love. To y/n and Jungkook."
"To y/n and jungkook." Everyone cheered.
"T..thank you so much guys I'm really grateful that you didn't kill me in the spot, that was kind of you and I promise to do my best to make you all smile, I'll be like your... female friend that lives with you."
You placed down you chopsticks on your clean plate, "now I'm going to check your rooms."
And you ran upstairs.

Namjoon p.o.v

*You've made this house a home again buttons, thank you.*
"JUNGKOOK SLOW DOWN!" I watched as the maknae began inhaling his food. And then footsteps made their way down the stairs.

A/n: I hope you guys liked it sorry it took so long 👁👄👁

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