5. Confessions 🔞

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[a/n- just a little thing, this is gonna be a long one with ALOT of emotions so buckle up buttercups and enjoy. Vote if u can, comment if u want 💜]

You screamed at the guards as the dragged you away from a bruised, bleeding, beaten jungkook. He smiled up at ou and mouthed. "It's okay, I'll be fine." Before he was forcefully hauled onto his feet and taken in the opposite direction.
You went home that night and cried, why were you crying? He's just another inmate but... you love him.
It's been 3 weeks since you last saw Jungkook, you'd go to the prison every Wednesday without fail but they'd refuse to let you in. Sometime you even went on Mondays or Fridays after your part time job but still no luck. You'd go home frustrated at yourself for not doing anything more to help him, sometimes you'd even cry. It doesn't help that you fell for him but what can you do, he has your heart and you'll do everything in your power to help him.

~time skip~

It was your Wednesday session with Jungkook today a this time you weren't leaving the prison without seeing him. You threw on a casual outfit and tied your hair up before throwing your necessities into a bag and driving to the prison.

 You threw on a casual outfit and tied your hair up before throwing your necessities into a bag and driving to the prison

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You got out the car and slammed the door shut before storming your way to the prison gates.
"Miss y/n, you shouldn't-"
"Listen, Lucas I think that's your name."
"Yes it is but-"
"You need to let me in right now to see my patient Jeon Jungkook or I will kick this gate the fuck down!"
"I was gonna say you are allowed in but you shouldn't stand on grass with your white and black shoes on... it rained last night." You looked down and saw your shoes covered in mud.
"For fuck- wait I can see him?"
He nodded, "this way."
He opened the gate and gestured you to follow ,which you quickly obliged to. "His come I can only see him now?"
"Because his isolation period is over."
"Why was it so long?"
"No one kept you up to-date?"
You slowly shook your head, "after you left he got worse, wouldn't leave his cell even with a warden. Only ate one meal. Trained non stop then... two weeks ago tomorrow he killed Rocco G, he was the one that attacked you miss. After that he went back to his usual self hating everyone causing unnecessary trouble and just-" he sighed. As a form of comfort you placed your hand on his shoulder, "Thank you Lucas, this has really helped me." You smiled at him.
"I may be new here y/n but please, help him he's still got his whole life ahead of him. I hate to see good people waste their lives away."
"I'll do my best." You walked towards Jungkooks cell to see all the other inmates stroking away from each cell you passed.
"Um okay?" You muttered.
You knocked on Jungkook a cell only to see him facing the wall head in his hands. "Go away!" You knocked again.
"Leave me alone before I rip your fucking hand of you-"
"You're really gonna insult me after I went through all the trouble of getting in here, thanks Jeon." You watched as his whole body struggled to get up as he scrambled to his feet and practically ran at the door.
"Y..you're here."
"Well duh I am your carer, I had to. But there is slot of lost time we have to make up so i May be here for a while."
He was just looking at you, his eyes never leaving your figure. Scanning every piece of you.
"If you're done eye fucking me I'd like to-"
"I'm not done, since you won't let me fuck you I gotta take what I can get, turn around."
You chuckled and did a little spin, "happy?"
"Not quite I wanna touch all of your-"
"And we're done, I won't come in if you don't stop."
He groaned, "sat that again." You paused, "I won't come in, if you don't stop?"
He smirked at you, "It's good to know that you listen to me and that you like to say 'don't stop'"
"You're so-"
"Perfect, handsome, sexy, gorgeous-"
"Annoyingly correct." You rolled your eyes.
"Wait what?" You shrugged and took the key from the dog tag, opened his cell door and trudged in.
"So Jungkook do you mind continuing from where we left off?"
"Really?! You sure?"
"Why wouldn't I be-"
He chuckled deeply before whispering in your ear, "because if I remember correctly you had your back against the wall and stopped me before I could-"
"B..before that, your story." You knew your face was at least 3 shades redder than usual after not only remembering that day but your dream from days before.
"Oh yeah well there's only the sad parts of my life left. I can't tell you anything about BTS beautiful, because my Hyungs will kill me."
"Stop giving me nicknames!" You were now blushing beyond the colours of the rainbow and realising he had that effect on you pissed you off.
"Woah! What's this all about?"
"I can't fucking concentrate if you keep calling me nicknames how would you like it if I kept calling you names like JK or JJK or Kook?!"
His face became serious, "don't call me kook."
"There's one. See it's not nice is it kook?"
"Y/n stop!"
"Why Kook? Not like your nickname, hmm? Kookie kookie kookie, kook kook kook."
He storms over to you and punches the wall as he screams, "DONT FUCKING CALL ME THAT!!" You flinch but your feet don't move.
He saw the fear in your face and instantly calmed down taking a few steps back. You hadn't noticed until he wiped away a tear that he was crying and you instantly felt awful but he chuckled,
"You're an idiot, I could've killed you in a split second but you didn't move. You really trust me that much?"
"I don't only trust you Jungkook... I love you." Before he could even question it you continued, "I know we've only known each other and short time and most of that short time was spent apart but in that time apart I grew to love you and I want to help you as best I can and-" you choked on your words as tears began to stream down your face. "And... I'm sorry for making you angry I was just teasing and.. I didn't mean to make you sad, I just mhmm~" you were cut off with a soft and tender kiss. You melted into his touch as his arms wrapped their way round your waist and your fingers began to tangle in his long, black locks making him groan into the kiss. Your tongues fought for dominance which Jungkook (for obvious reasons) won, but before long you could feel the deprivation of oxygen in your lungs so you broke away leaving a trail of saliva between your lips. He smirked at you as he wiped the mascara stained tears off your cheeks with his thumbs.
"I'm sorry for scaring you y/n it's just-"
"Tell me when your ready just because I confessed doesn't mean you need to tell me your whole background." You smiled softly and the man in front of you.
"But that's the thing, I want you to know it all and I have done for a while now. When I first saw you I changed completely it's like just by looking at you that one time all my barriers broke down. I became that soft, timid boy when I first came in and I couldn't loose you. Not like I lost them. Not like I lost her." He frowned.
"My sister used to call me kook and kookie and when I fell right off your tongue all I could hear was her little voice but then gunshots and I couldn't-" you watched his body tense up.
"You did nothing wrong I was being childish and I overstepped my boundaries which I shouldn't have and I deeply apologize for that Jeon Jungkook." You bowed at the man before looking back at him, "your so perfect to me y/n, and I never want to loose you."
You cupped his face, "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."
"This is why I love you."
He chuckled before gripping you waist and lifting you to sit on his lap and kissing you deeply.
~mini time skip~ {brought to you by a long makeout session}

It was now apparent that both of you were extremely horny and you could feel the pool in between your thighs and Jungkooks bulge was prominently pressing on your crotch. You were both becoming extremely out of breath and the cell was getting very warm. "J..Jungkook, I ah~" you moaned as he sensually massages your ass and smirking as he kissed you.
"Now now y/n you mustn't make to much noise, you are my carer after all. We can't let anyone else go know what we're doing can we?" He bit your lip to stop you from answering verbally. You shook your head as his hands began to slide up your hoodie, touching the skin beneath it before moving higher and softly massage your breasts making you let out little whimpers. "Mmmf~ Jungkook I ah~ Hold on we can't-"
"It's okay princess just be quiet no one will know." He continued kissing down your neck.
"Ah~ Wait I-" you gripped his shoulders and gently pushed him away. Without making eye contact you said,
"Listen Jungkook I really want this. I do, it's just I'm-"
"A virgin." He stated.
"How did you-"
"The way you flirt, the way you kiss, everything about you screams virgin."
"Wait really?!"
"Nope. Just a wild guess."
You pouted, "you asshole."
He softly gripped your chin and turned you to face him, "hey it's nothing to be ashamed of but I would love to take it from you."
You lent in to kiss him but as you did your alarm rang signaling the end of your session. You giggled and turned it off, "I didn't actually hear the end of your story, until next time." You Unlocked his cell and stepped out but before you left he gestured you to come close to the cell as you did he grabbed your throat softly, "I can't wait to fuck you senseless. Bye my little virgin." You pouted before he pecked your forehead leaving you in a daze all the way home.

Prisoner// jjk ff [completed]Where stories live. Discover now