4. Time Apart 🕰

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You screamed at the guards as the dragged you away from a bruised, bleeding, beaten jungkook. He smiled up at ou and mouthed. "It's okay, I'll be fine." Before he was forcefully hauled onto his feet and taken in the opposite direction.

~flashback to before~

Wednesday, today was your second official meeting with Jungkook. You decided to go with a softer look today since you would be spending approximately 3 hours in his cell, you wanted to comfortable.

 You decided to go with a softer look today since you would be spending approximately 3 hours in his cell, you wanted to comfortable

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[again if u don't like it.. change it]
You strolled into the prison as you usually would, getting a few looks from the guards. Most of them didn't like you because you told them off, refrained them from using violence and are going against most of the prison rules, but you didn't care. Putting in the fakest smile you could muster you said 'good morning' to as many as them as possible and even some of the other inmates as you passed, before coming face to face with Jungkooks cells door.
" Jungkook, you in there?" The guard tapped on the bars with his keys, but before he knew it they were snatched out of his hand and Jungkook was looking at them with a devilish smirk on his face.
"G..give those back right now, or I will have to use force-"
Jungkook chuckled, "You, use force against me? HAH! Don't make me laugh." His eye line drifted to yours, you looked him deep in the eyes before sighing.
"Guess that's my job done then, he's gonna escape, I'm gonna loose my job and you're all gonna die." You put your hand through two of the cell bars.
"My hair clip, I want it back." You said not looking at the man. There was shuffling inside the cell before something cold pressed against your palm, then it wrapped around your hand. You looked to see a dog tag, with the word "Golden Maknae Jeon Jungkook~" engraved on it.
"Why did you-"
There was a deep sigh from inside the cell, "as much as I want to escape and leave this shitty place behind, I can't have you loosing your job now can I?" He took a single key off the many others, "Hey what do you think-"
"Shut it!" You snapped at the guard.
Jungkook handed you one key before dashing the others through his cell onto the floor in front of the guards feet.
"Miss y/n is the only one able to have access to my cell. She will be fully taking care of me, that means staying with me 24/7." You giggled.
"Jungkook I'm not legally allowed to do that, I'll be sent to prison and definitely won't have my job. "
"Fine. Whenever she's here she's the only one allowed my key, if anyone dares to touch it. I will fuck your shit up personally." He snarled.
The guard nodded and ran back down the hallway. "Miss y/n." He handed you the key.
As you were about to put it in you stopped.
*is this really wise?*
*what if it's just my sexual attraction that makes me want to do this?*
"Hey y/n?"
You looked at him, "if you're scared then don't come in. I don't want to pressure you and have-"
You swung the door open and stepped inside before shutting it behind you. You poked him hard in the chest, "I'm not afraid of anyone, especially you." You put the keys along the dog tag chain and put it around your neck.
"You are something else woman."
"I'm determined. That's all." You sat on his bed,
"Owww that's rock hard!" You rubbed your ass as Jungkook chuckled, "thats prison life for you baby." You didn't even realise but you blushed at that's nickname given to you it was only when jungkook walked closer to you, did u know. "Um y/n you okay, your face is kinda red." You pushed him away, "y..yeah just um- got up too quickly, went a little light headed."
"Are you sure you're not blushing from my sexy face." You turned to face him, and smirked. "The challenge is if you can keep it in your pants for 3 hours, while I'm wearing these grey joggers and, you don't even know what's beneath my hoodie." He swallowed.
"That's what I thought, so tell me everything."
"Yeah I wanna know the life of jeon jungkook, from a first person point of view." You smiled.
He laid on his bed looking up at the ceiling, "where do you want me to start from?"
You sat at the edge of the bed near his knees, a lot more carefully this time. " Let's start from your first sentence, unless there's something important before that?" You said pulling a small note pad and pen from your pocket.
" I guess I should really start from when I started the life of crime because I wasn't a bad kid, I was the Golden child. I did everything to the best of my abilities and people hated me for it, but I didn't care I had a loving family and they supported me no matter what. After my sister was born we grew even stronger I'd care for her we were 7 years apart in age but she was my everything. When she hit five, that was the best time of my life I was allowed to take her to the park all alone but when we came back, our house was up in flames. The police came and said that two bodies were inside but they were so burnt they couldn't identify them, it could've only been our parents and from that day I vowed to do anything and everything for Jitae. After a while my whole world came crashing down, because I wasn't old enough I couldn't take full custody of my sister but I wouldn't let anyone else do it so we ran. We ran far far away and began to live on our own. We attended a different school but soon enough people found out that our parents died and started to pick on us because we were the Golden Jeons and they hated us. One day I was going to pick my sister up from her class but when I got there, she was surrounded by 3 girls and 4 boys who were teasing her. She was crying, that was enough for me. I lost it." You watched as his firsts curled into balls and he grit is teeth.
"What happened?" You placed a hand on his arm, trying to calm him down. He looked at you and sighed,
"As I said, I lost it. I grabbed one of the boys and threw him against the wall as hard as I could. One of the girls had my sister by her shoulders go I grabbed her hair and threw her to the floor. I continued to fight them all until my teachers called the police so my sister and I ran once again. We lived a year of our lives on the run until we accidentally walked into the wrong warehouse at the wrong time and that's where I became a member of BigHit. I wanted to keep my sister safe so I forebode her from joing BigHit so she went behind my back and joined SM and that's where all the arguments began." He sighed and shook his head before turning to you.
"Have you ever thought about having an argument so bad you've wanted to kill someone right there on the spot?" You shook your head slowly, "I didn't think so."  You corrected him,
"I have had arguments like that and it ended horribly." You frowned.
"Oooh tell me~" he leaned closer to you. You put your hand in his face to push him away but he kissed it making you blush crimson red.
"W..why did you do that?" You stuttered.
[a/n- if there's mistakes further on sorry I just got my nails done so typing is fucking hard!]
He leant in closer to you and whispered, "Because seeing you all flustered makes me happy and also lets me know you like me." He winked at you, making you abruptly stand up.
"I don't like you, I think you're interesting and extremely attractive there's a difference!" His lips curled into a smirk, "so I'm extremely attractive now?" You blushed realizing what you had said.
"Yes. No. Kinda. Uggh yes you are now what!" You said completely giving up with excuses.
"Well I think you're attractive as well so," he stood up and walked towards you until your back was against the wall separating cells, "how about we make attractive babies?" You swallowed as he leant in closer to you face and kissed you cheek.
"JUNGKOOK!" You shoved him.
"You should ask a girl next time you want to kiss them!"
"And if I asked you what would you have said?"
You froze, "I um... it, IT DOESNT MATTER! I'm gonna go and write this all up, I might be back tomorrow, I want to finish your story." You put the key in the cell door and opened it but as you stepped out an inmate being transported shoved you against the door and began trying to attack you.
"AGGGHH!" You squeezes your eyes tight shut as you tried to defend yourself but within a split second the body was off you and you weren't struggaling to get free. You opened your eyes too see jungkook on top of the guy beating him up. "Jungkook stop!! You're gonna kill him!!" 15 guards showed up and pulled Yu away from jungkook who was pulled away from the inmate. Jungkook was being hit with police sticks to stop him, "NO STOP YOU'RE HURTING HIM!" You cried out and other officers tried to restrain you. "Miss y/n please calm down!" You vigorously shook your whole body trying to get free to stop the guards from hurting him, tears began to stream down your face. Then all the commotion stopped.
"Jeon you will be put in isolation for fighting another inmate, escaping your cell and harming your carer."

You screamed at the guards as the dragged you away from a bruised, bleeding, beaten jungkook. He smiled up at ou and mouthed. "It's okay, I'll be fine." Before he was forcefully hauled onto his feet and taken in the opposite direction.
You went home that night and cried, why were you crying? He's just another inmate but... you love him.

[a/n- hellooo, sorry of theres any typos I've got some long ass nails on but yeah... hope you enjoyed]
Also that's NapWithSugAAA for the cover, love you 🥰

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