why would she like me - kirishima x f!reader

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[ third person pov ]

kirishima leaned towards the mirror, perfecting the spikes on his head, making them match with his shark-like teeth.

"oi, quit hogging the mirror, hair for brains!" a rough voice shouted. "you're not the only one who's gotta fix their darn hair"

kirishima chuckled at his ever explosive friend, bakugo. "but bakubro, your hair always looks perfect!" he mocked.

"frick off."

despite the attitude, bakugo quit bothering kirishima. after being best friends with bakugo, he knew how to get him to lay off.


"dude, why'd it take so long for you to fix your hair this morning?"

kirishimas favorite pokemon pal looked at him, dumbfounded. but this was nothing new. kaminari always looked a bit out of it, especially when he used his quirk.

"just felt like looking nice today," kirishima shrugged. "no reason."

but his words had no real meaning to it, as kirishimas face began to match the color of his hair.

the one, the only, (y/n) had walked into class. she had walked in with her best friends, ochaco and mina.

kaminari chuckled and punched kirishimas arm.

"so that's why, huh?"

kirishima choked on nothing in particular. "hm?"

"you got the hots for (y/n)!"

"n- no! it's nothing like that! plus, I'm sure she likes someone else. much cooler than me! like todoroki!" kirishima rambled.

"ahaha! that's rich!" kaminari laughed even louder, much to kirishimas dismay. the redhead returned pikachu's punch.

"quiet down! someone will hear you!" kirishima whispered.

seemed like he wasn't the best at whispering, however.

"hey, what're y'all talking bout?" (y/n) asked. she had popped up behind kirishima midconversation.

kirishima went wide eyed. "nothing!" he rubbed the back of his neck. "how are you, (y/n)?"

"I'm aight" she replied.

kaminari snickered at the awkward conversation.

"hey, (y/n), guess what" kaminari asked. kirishima kicked his foot, but failed to stop him.

"what?" (y/n) replied.

kirishima looked at the both of them in fear.

"I like you!" kaminari grinned.

"uhhhh" was all (y/n) could manage to say. "that's... cool."

"what? don't like me back? do you like someone else?" kaminari said, a fake frown dawning his face.

(y/n) jumped at the question. "as if i'd tell you my crush."

kaminari frowned even more, now hunching his back for the full effect. what a drama queen.

"first you break my heart, and now you won't even tell me what for? how rude!" kaminari whined. (y/n) merely rolled her eyes, fed up with kaminaris usual jokes.

"lay off, kami! that's not very manly of you!" kirishima shouted. he had pushed his chair away from his desk, now standing.

this had gotten the attention of all of class 1a by now. (y/n) laughed quietly at the awkwardness of the whole ordeal.

"what's wrong? it's not like you're dating or anything!" kaminari stuck his tongue out at kirishima.

to which, kirishima nearly lunged at him.

it's true, that wasn't very manly of him either. good thing (y/n) was there to hold him back.

she had wrapped her arms around him, causing him to miss kaminari.

"stop it, you idiot." she said to him. "kaminaris just being stupid again."

kirishima calmed at (y/n) statement. she was right.

"what is going on here?" aizawa sensei asked. he sounded quite lazy, as usual, but intimidating nonetheless. immediately, the class returned to their seats.


when class had ended, kirishima jumped out of his seat to walk over to (y/n)'s.

"hey!" he said in a friendly tone. nothing like the tone he had towards kaminari just a while ago. (y/n) smiled to see kirishima. "I was wondering if you'd wanna walk back to the dorms together."

"yeah, sure." (y/n) replied, quickly packing all of her books.

together they walked indeed. at first, in a silence. but (y/n) decided to break the silence. it was unlike her, but she was getting annoyed quickly at the awkward aura surrounding them.

"what was up with that?" she asked kirishima. he was surprised to hear her speak, then raised an eyebrow at her question. "why were you so angry at pikaface, aren't you guys pals?"

"yeah, sure!" kirishima replied. "but what he said was unfair and definitely unmanly."

"duh.. but he's always like that."

kirishina nodded in agreement. "I guess I just didn't want him asking you such personal questions..." he turned to (y/n) and shrugged. "...like the one about your crush."

she raised her shoulders at the last part, flinching. "uh, yeah that wasn't cool.."

"besides, you can date whoever you want. just cuz kaminari likes u doesn't mean the feeling have to be mutual."

"ur right."

"but whoever u choose to date, would be very lucky."

(y/n)'s cheeks were dusted with pink.

the rest of the walk was silent after that.


they finally reached (y/n)'s dorm room.

kirishima waved goodbye and was about to turn back to go to his own dorm when he heard her say, "hey, dude, wait up."


(y/n) looked down at the floor. "thanks.. for defending me back there. i appreciate it."

"no problem, anything for you."

and with that, kirishima left, (y/n) grinning like the idiot she is.

[ around 870 words ]

a/n :
I wrote this one at 3 am so uhh. I gave up on the ending. not the best one but oh well

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