better in my sweater - todoroki x reader

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[ reader's pov ]

you know, there's nothing like a friday afternoon in autumn.

as soon as I walked out the doorway of yuuei, I was met with the light breeze. as I took in a deep breath, I smiled. it smelled like mozzarella sticks.

plus, that day was pajama day. while it was a bit cold, I was comfy for the most part. I had worn some [f/c] pajama bottoms that only reached up to my ankles and a [2/f/c] t shirt.

other than that, I was loving autumn.

you know what else I love? having time to myself.

as I walked through the gates and onto the sidewalk, I smiled as I took in my surroundings. you'd be surprised at how satisfying the sound of car honks in the distance could be.

little did I know that this time wasn't just to myself.

I felt a gaze on the back of my head. cautiously, I shot a glance to see that there was indeed someone walking behind me.

I began to pick up my pace, only to hear their footsteps getting quicker in return.

I then abruptly stopped and faced my stalker. "todoroki?"

he had flinched when I suddenly turned around. I narrowed my eyes as I looked at him. he was wearing a pastel blue hoodie that looked half a size too big for him. on his legs were some navy blue and black plaid pajama bottoms.

I dunno what I was expecting him to wear on pajama day, but it wasn't this. maybe i'm just dumb but I half expected him to come in wearing something fancier.

"yes, that's my name," he answered.

I laughed quietly. "well duh. but why are you following me?"

he raised an eyebrow. "I walk this way everyday. you just so happened to be taking the same path."

"uh-huh... and you walked quicker when I did for what reason exactly?"

todoroki shrugged. he then replied, "I wanted to start a conversation, but I wasn't sure how to. I suppose I was just caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize."

his words sounded embarrassed, but when I looked up at him, his face was blank. he was, however avoiding my gaze.

"aight, we'll what'd you wanna talk about?"

slowly, we continued walking, now walking side by side. "i'm not sure."

"ok then." I hummed in thought. "do you like autumn?" I could see him nod from the corner of my eye. "cool! me too! it's my favorite season."

"mine too."

the tips of my mouth pointed upwards. "well, there's something we have in common. why do you like autumn?"

"it's just in the middle, I suppose."

I laughed. "oh I get it- half hot and half cold, right?"

his eyebrows raised in amusement, although the rest of his face was still plain. dang, there really was no pleasing this guy.

"that could be true. but I do like the autumn breeze as well."

I nodded. "yes, I love the autumn breeze, and autumn clothing," I added. "wish I had worn more though, I wasn't expecting it to be this cold."

he started slowing down, causing me to stop a few inches after he had. I turned around to see him taking off his sweater.

my face immediately heated up as I looked away. huh. I guess I didn't need more clothes to make me warmer.

suddenly, there was something going over my head. if it weren't one of yuuei's top students with me, I would have assumed this was a kidnapping.

when I opened my eyes, I whirled around to see todoroki in a black t shirt.

I tugged on the hoodie that I was now wearing. "no, no. it's ok, I don't need it."

he shook his head. "take it. besides, I can just use my quirk on myself."

"oh..." in silence, we continued walking.

suddenly, I heard a voice from beside me say, "i'm sorry."

quickly, I turned my head to him. his eyebrows were furrowed and his heterochromatic eyes were deep in thought.


he then turned to me. "I made things awkward, didn't I? apologies."

"wh- no! i'm the awkward one here i'm just being stupid lol." shoot did I just say 'lol' our loud? I really am stupid omg.

he put an arm around me, in attempt to be a hug, I assume. "you're not stupid, don't say that."

ahahaha now my whole face felt incredibly hot. isn't it suppose to be cold in autumn?? am I being scammed?

we awkwardly parted.

"well, thanks a lot, todoroki," I squeaked out as I ran home.

before my brother could greet me, I closed the door and ran upstairs.

ahahaha yep i'm definitely stupid

                                      fin. ★彡

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[ 800 words ]

a/n: is anyone in character? nah. do I like this fic? nah. do I care tho? nahh.

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