sparks flying - kaminari x f!reader

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* includes kacchako, pls no ship hate *

[ kaminari's pov ]

I was walking back from lunch with kirishima and bakugou. bakugou, of course, was grumpy as always. while kirishima was his friendly self, convincing bakugou to at least walk with us.

when we finally got to class (a few minutes early, might I add), bakugou shouted at us to leave him alone.

kirishima and I just laughed at our friend's small change in mood. in return, the blonde boy looked like he was about to pounce on us.

I cautiously backed away, a nervous smile on my face. i then felt my back bump into something.

someone . . . to be specific.

I turned around and apologized quickly while bowing. I slowly straightened, only to see a girl standing before me.

it was as if I was brought into a trance. I felt my smile soften as I looked into the girl's beautiful (e/c) eyes that were slightly covered by her hair.

she stiffly waved an arm in front of my face, breaking me out of said trance.

"kaminari? are you ok?" she asked.

I jumped slightly as I rubbed the back of my neck. "heh, hi (y/n). sorry for bumping into you."

she waved her hands in front of her. "no, no, it's all good."

she then turned on her heel to go talk to ochaco.

I chuckled to myself and sat in my seat, being caught in the trance once again.



I pounded against the white dorm door.

the door flew open to reveal a very angry blonde. "WHAT DO YOU WANT, PIKACHU?!" I sighed blissfully as I allowed myself into bakugou's room. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?"

I slowly turned my head to smile at bakugou.


I just smiled and shrugged. "how are things with you and ochaco?" I asked innocently. my question had caught him by surprise, the anger slowly but surely leaving his eyes.

bakugou smiled for once as he avoided my eyes. "pretty good, actually." he rubbed the back of his neck. he then snapped out of it and glared at me. "WHY DO YOU ASK?"

I tried to show my most innocent face. "could you ask ochaco for a favor?"

bakugou raised an angry eyebrow. "what is it?"

I walked over to him and whispered my request. this caused him to jump in surprise. but to my surprise, he nodded.

[ reader's pov ]

I walked into class to see ochaco smiling at me. she definitely is a bubbly person, but her smile caught me off guard. what was she hiding...?

"hiiiii, (y/n)" she said, drawing out the ending vowels.

"uh, hi?" ochaco watched me as I pulled up a chair next to her. "what's up with you?" I asked her.

to which she replied, "oh nothinggg"


as lunch break began, ochaco grabbed my wrist tightly before dashing us both to the lunchroom at the speed of light. iida could never!

"what the hec-" I asked her, a bit annoyed. dang, I didn't know this girl was so hungry! I had a cookie in my bag if she was that desperate.

my words trailed off as my eyes noticed a huge set up. "w-what is all of this??" I mumbled.

ochaco nudged my arm, pushing me forward slightly. I raised an eyebrow at her as I continued walking forward.

I looked around, noticing how much this all resembled a party or a celebration of sorts. well, sort of.

there were rose petals scattered on the floor, mostly from the door in a straight path.

the lighting was dim to some being covered by red paper, causing the room to have a pink tint to it.

I continued walking down the path, looking around.

but then something caught my attention at the end of the path.

someone... to be specific.


I stopped myself from saying any more as I caught sight of what was in his hands.

beautiful red roses.

"what is all of this?" I asked him, a slight crack in my voice

"(y/n)..." he started with a grin. he walked up to me and handed me the bouquet. I accepted the roses silently, awaiting his next words.

"is it just my quirk or... do you feel the sparks between us too?"

[ about 700 words ]

a/n :
yeah I literally just wrote this bc I thought of that pickup line n I was like "this is genius I must use it" sksksk

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