icy spicy - todoroki x reader

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word count : 611
ship : todoroki / reader
a/n : [i wonder if todoroki could pull off a skater boy outfit.] this is a repost from my old book.

~• ❄️ •~

gonna be honest with you here.

I never in a million years thought I would score a date with the todoroki shouto.

kaminari had dared me to ask him out, since i've had a crush on him for a while. mentally, I braced for rejection.

but then, just straight out, he replied, "sure."

so there we were. on the bench of the cold skating rink, putting on our ice skates.

"you excited?" I asked him. he looked at me blankly, then nodded. "great, let's go!!"

I grabbed onto his hand and practically dragged him onto the rink. we weren't quite in the middle of the rink, but we also weren't very close to the walls.

i let go of his hand, assuming he was some kind of professional ice skater.

looks like I assumed wrong.

as soon as we started skating, he began tripping up. I turned to look at him, only to see him furrowing his eyebrows as he struggled to maintain his balance.

"todo, you ok bro?" i asked him.

he looked up at me. "yeah. i'm fine."

soon after he said that, he nearly lost balance. I chuckled. "todo, you can hold my hand again if you want." he nodded thankfully and grabbed my hand.

he tripped up pretty often, but he had gotten better once I held his hand.

"see it's not that bad," I said as I giggled.

he scoffed. "easy for you to say."

"oh please man. you're doing great so far."

"if you call tripping every second 'great', then you would be right," he chuckled softly.

I turned to him, noticing the smallest smile on his face. dang. his smile is actually really cute.

"(y/n)? is something wrong?" he asked, his face turning a light tint of pink.

I coughed, not realizing I had been staring. "n- nope! everything's just swell."

the music playing in the background started to get louder and more upbeat. "oooh, I love this song!" I cheered, pumping my fists in the air.

I didn't realize that I had let go of todoroki. as soon as our hands broke apart, he fell to the ice, face first.

"ah! todoroki I'm so sorry!!" I slowed my skating and tried to kneel  to help him up.

he groaned. "it's fine."

I took hold of his hands and helped him up. "I'm so so so sorry, it was an accident I swear," I apologized quickly. "is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

he waved a hand in front of him. "no, really it's fine."

I shook my head. "no i- er-" and before I could stop myself, I had leaned in and placed a kiss on his cheek.

his face turned a bright red almost immediately, and he fell to the floor once more.


we both left the building, nearly laughing our heads off. I had barely ever heard todoroki laugh, and man. his laugh was so adorable.

"dude I can't believe we got kicked out cuz you melted all of the ice!" I said, punching his arm lightly.

"it's not my fault. you were the one that kissed me."

I raised my hands defensively. "that's just cuz you fell on the ice!"

he crossed his arms. "I only fell because you let go of my hand."

I sighed. "you right. welp, I guess that date was a bit of a failure, wasn't it?"

"I- uh- I didn't think it was that bad," he stammered.

I stopped to look at him, causing him to stop too. my smile began to grow. "wait seriously? does that mean you'd wanna go on a second date maybe??"

"i'd like that."


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