just a friend to u - kami x f!reader x todo

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[ fem!reader x kaminari denki // fem!reader x todoroki shouto ]

background info : you are the new student in the hero course for the second school year. being in class 1b the previous year allowed you to meet some students, but you're not all too familiar with most of them. the only ones that you're actually friends with are kaminari, kirishima, and sero.

* includes slight kiribaku, pls no ship hate *

[ third person pov ]

"he's the most handsome boy in school!"

(y/n) rolled her eyes at her classmates' fangirling. she found their staring to be stalkerish and their whispers to be annoying.

still, she had to admit.

the boy with red and white hair was rather cute...

(y/n) had chosen to sit at the girls' lunch table, although she sort of felt out of place. she was closer to a particular group of boys, but she wasn't too fond of a certain aggressive blonde.

so she chose to avoid him and sit with the girls, even if it meant being away from her best friends.

"what do you think, (y/n)?"

(y/n)'s eyes shot up to see a girl with long, raven hair in a ponytail. she had an innocent smile, one that was very charming.

"uh, yeah I guess."

the raven haired girl laughed. "anyways, how are you enjoying the hero course?"

the frog girl then added, "I hope mr aizawa isn't too intimidating."

"if anything, explosion kid is pretty scary..." (y/n) mumbled. this earned her a round of laughter from the table.

"agreed!" pink girl said from across the table.

(y/n) chuckled along awkwardly. once the laughter died down, she went back to eating her food quietly, as everyone seemed to move onto a different topic.


when lunch ended, (y/n) passed by her best friends' table.

"kiri, kami, sero." (y/n) greeted with a nod.

a boy with spiky, red hair (who goes by the name of kirishima) smiled wide. "hey (y/n)! why didn't you sit with us?"

(y/n) simply gestured towards an ash blonde boy who was throwing out his tray of food. the other three boys nodded.

a pikachu looking boy (named kaminari) got up and slung an arm around his best friend's shoulder. "pfft mood." he said with a chuckle. he then led her towards the exit, the other two trailing behind them.

"kami, why do you guys sit with him?" (y/n) asked.

kaminari got closer to her to whisper, "i'm pretty sure he and kirishima like each other. but don't tell either of them i said that or i'm dead."

(y/n) laughed and put her right hand up. "I swear!" the two both started laughing, the other pair raising confused eyebrows.

"well, if you ever change ur mind, feel free to sit with us!" kaminari said with a thumbs up. "you're always welcome at our table."

"thanks kami." (y/n) replied with a smile.


(y/n) got up to pack her bags swiftly as class was dismissed. she was about to turn around from her desk when she fell to the floor with a thud.

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