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Amy Horan:

“Mummy, Uncle Liam says he’s batman. And Uncle Louis says he’s superman. Do you and daddy have superpowers too?” David, my five year old son, questioned.

He looked up at me with the biggest eyes ever. It was like he was expecting me to say 'yes sweetie we do, and you can fly. Go test it out.'

But of course, being me, I said, “I’m sorry, they said what?”

“They’re superheroes mummy! Are you and daddy superheroes too?” he questioned again; this time getting out of bed and jumping up and down awaiting my response.

I didn’t want to crush his dreams, but I also didn’t want to give him some very unrealistic idea of his parents having super powers. I mean, I know that many kids think of their parents as heroes, but I don’t think it’s very healthy for them to have that viewpoint.

“Well sweetie, your father and I-” I began to say, but was cut off by none other than Niall himself.

“Are the greatest superheroes in the world. We fight crime and put bad guys in jail so that the world is a wonderful place for you bud.”

David’s eyes lit up at the words leaving Niall’s voice.

“Wow, really! That’s so cool!”

“It is very cool, isn’t it little man? But here’s the thing, us being superheroes is a secret. No one can know, otherwise some very bad people will come to hurt your mum and me, and maybe even you, if they’re mean enough,” Niall said as David gasped in horror. I, on the other hand, smiled at the nickname Niall has for David. It basically happened as Niall sees David as the little version of himself, hence the name little man.

“So can you promise us that you won’t tell a soul?” Niall asked David.

David furiously nodded his head up and down before running to me and holding on like his life depended on it.

“I don’t want anything bad to happen to you mummy,” he said with tears starting to form.

“Nothing bad will happen to any of us baby,” I told him as I held onto him in my arms.

Niall would come along and scare him like that. I’m sure he was only trying to make David happy and excited, but this is exactly why I didn’t want to say yes.

He’s going to have this perspective in his head that we are these invincible like people who will take care of everyone and anyone in danger. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I will definitely protect him from anyone or anything as long as I can do so.

I smiled down at David who was looking at Niall like he was the greatest dad in the world, superpowers and all.

“Alright, I think it’s time for you to go to bed sweetie. Its passed your bed time,” I said to him as I brought him back to his bed.

“But I don’t want to go to sleep. I want to hear stories about you and daddy beating up all the bad people,” he said as he yawned.

“Yeah, he wants to hear the amazing stories, Amy,” Niall pleaded like the little kid he still is.

“Really Niall, don’t you start too. He needs to get into bed and go to sleep.” I said to Niall before turning to David, “you're tired David; don’t tell me you’re not, because I know you are. We will tell you stories tomorrow, okay baby?”

“Okay,” he said as he nodded before putting his head down on the pillow.

“Good night little man, we love you,” Niall said quickly.

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