Chapter 8 - Ethan Perius

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After Santa left, the six of us went to Mess Hall...

I carried Nate behind me... giving him a piggyback...

Everyone was watching us... but I don't care... since I have a lot of friend that keeps me busy, forgetting that people around us is actually judging us...

So, the 7 of us are Me, Nate, Euclio, Precilla, Roxane, Leon and Serena...

Leon and Serena is not the believer of the Mera Sect...

While Leon is actually the believer of other sect.... Tensei Sect...

Tensei Sect is a believe where the reincarnated person from other world will come to this world and save this world...

Most of Human Race believe in Mera Sect, while Dragon Race believe in Tensei Sect

And I am a reincarnated person... so, am I related to Tensei Sect? But I won't tell anyone except Nathalia...

The one who taught us is Leon... so he has no problem of me with having a red eyes...

Also, while Mera Sect held every Barrier Magic book... Tensei Sect held every Nullification Magic Book...

And unlike Mera Sect, Tensei Sect share their book to the King... since the King hold the absolute order... the church is under the King...

While Perius Kingdom have it different... the church stand by itself, also each nobles... but during the war, we should send troops to the king...

"So... how's your plan for the duel?" Precilla asked...

We are eating our dinner right now...

"Plan? Beat him up until he is traumatize for touching Nate..." I said

"T-That's too much..." Nate said

"That's the least thing I can do..." I said to Nate...

"Make him afraid so he won't find any trouble with you..." Euclio said...

"Yep, that's the plan... I'm gonna be serious this time..." I said

Nate, Euclio, Precilla, and Roxane looks afraid of me now...

"Uhh... what's with the face?" I asked them

"We never seen you this serious..." Euclio said...

D-Did I never been this serious?

But I guess so... they can hurt me... but if they hurt my brother, I will fight back... not fight... I'm gonna beat them up...

I scratched my head...

Then I face Nate...

"You should take a rest..." I said to Nate...

And he looks troubled...

"What? Of course no! I want to see you fight seriously...." Nate said while smiling...

"But... you need rest..." I said...

"Yeah, after the duel..." Nate said

"I think its okay... we will be seating together... if anything happen, we will be there for Nate..." Euclio said

He is truly a good friend!

"Hmmm I think it is okay if all if you are there..." I said

Then a boy come toward our table... he whispered Serena... and

"Thanks..." Serena said to the boy... and the boy left...

All of us are now looking at Serena...

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