Chapter 84 - The Elven

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=== Navroth's Point of View ===

"What should I do..." I said it as the throne chamber is empty...

I looked at the world I made using earth magic...

Am I doing the wrong thing?

"Arthur...." I called him as I feel his presence...

He enter the throne chamber, and he walk closer and kneel in front of me...

"Navroth-sama..." he called me... as he kneel on the floor....

I nodded, and he stood up... and stand next to me...

I decide to ask him...

"Arthur... why do you follow me?" I asked him...

Arthur is... a Human Race, and he comes from Reudora Kingdom... means he is my citizen...

"Because I believe that you are the only person in this world that able and deserve to unite us all..." Arthur said...


"How can you say, that I deserve it?" I asked him...

Arthur smiled...

"Although you may not notice this... but you have been spending these 600 years to unite Ennea don't you?" Arthus asked me...

Hearing that, I am surprised...

But then I smiled...

"How stupid am I.." I said as I laugh a little bit...

"I will not leaving this project! I will unite Ennea!" I said as I shout in the throne chamber...

Arthur kneel once more... and he say "I will help you, Navroth-sama! You are the strongest! And the wisest person alive!" Arthur said as he kneel...

I can sense someone else coming...

A solder came in...

He bow in front of me, and he gives a report...

"The battle of Elven Kingdom has started! Qiteron Kingdom attacked Kayu!" the soldier reported...

Kayu... the city of Wood Elven Kingdom...

"Norman?" I asked the soldier... and he nodded...

"Norman-sama is currently fighting the Qiteron Kingdom!" The soldier said...

Then I give him a nod, and he left...

Norman... he will win the battle...

=== Feurius's Point of View ===

"Spearman!" I shouted as the enemy's charge an attack...

What a surprising tactic!

The elven! Especially the Wood Elven never rush on a battlefield... they usually hide and shoot arrows with their bow...

"Feurius-sama! Tigers on the right flank!" A soldier reported...

Tigers... it is the same as human cavalries but, instead of horse, they rides on tiger... and the rider use bow and arrow from distance. When they are closer, they'll use dagger...

I then hear a man shouted from the right flank...
"Shooter!" A man that lead the right flank shouted...


"Hey!?" I shouted at Mebus, who is leading the right flank...

At in a second... those musket troops are down by the arrow shot by the riders...

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