Chapter 62 - The Encounter

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"Hoam... I am sleepy, I will leave the shift scheduling on you..." Morgan told me. I nodded, since he looked pretty sick.

"Do you want me to cast Healing Magic?" I asked Morgam. But he decline my offer, "No need for that, I am just... too tired..." Morgan told us.

Ethan, and I looked at him with concern, "Make sure you talk with Doctor Frans about that..." Ethan told Morgan, but he shook his head... "Maybe later, I believe I am just too exhausted from those multiple meetings we had..." Morgan said.

Both of us are still looking at him with concern, and Morgan wave his hand, "Wake me up when it is my shift time..." Morgan told us, both of us nodded and he left.

"We do have a lot of meeting with your father... but I like it somehow..." Ethan told me, we are now watching several of the soldiers of Sky Kingdom deploying some supplies for us. We need to have some supplies for us, in the Dwarven Kingdom.

"Why? Isn't it boring?" I asked Ethan, but Ethan showed me a disagreement face. "Maybe for you, but each meetings are important... I learn a lot from him, like what Tousan told me, he is a good counselor..." Ethan explained. King Ethen said that? Wow, I do not know that Tousan has that big influence to King Ethen.

Then, from distance I can see a man wearing his own crown and a woman with her crown as well, guarded by 5 person and coming toward us. We are currently on the deck of the ship. "Tousan? Kasan?" I called both of them and I decided to get down from the ship by jumping from the deck.

"W-Woah?! You can do that?" Tousan looked at me with surprised. "Do what?" I asked after hearing his question. "Jumping from the ship! That is 5m tall!" Tousan told me with proud.

Now I am a bit offended, "Of course! I learn swordsmanship as well! Also, I learn it from Rueger!" I told to both Kasan and Tousan.

Ethan followed me and jump, now Tousan looked confuse "Is that normal?" Tousan asked Kasan, and Kasan hit Tousan's head. "That is very normal! Everyone could do it, but not you!" Kasan told Tousan, and now Tousan looked much more confuse.

Kasan let a sigh, "Don't mind him, he is not talented in swordsmanship... he hasn't practice his swordsmanship since he was 20..." Kasan told me. Now I am surprised, "T-That is quite a long time!" I told Tousan.

"And he is in Basic Level..." Kasan said. Now, both Ethan and I stay quite... "Y-You can't teach a fish to climb a tree!" Tousan said defending himself. But seeing our surprise face, he change the topic, "Anyway, take this..." Tousan told me and give me a backpack.

"What's inside it?" I asked as I take the backpack. "It is full of rings, I give you all one each, and it has been Enhanced by Teleportation Magic..." Tousan told us. Ethan looked amazed, but I ask him, "How to activate it?" I asked Tousan, "Just say 'Teleportation Magic, Activate' that easy..." Tousan said proudly, now... that is quite convenient.

"Nico... a ring took 2 days to be created..." Tousan told me, 2 days?! That is quite a long time, "And it can only be use one time, it will teleport you back to Sky Kingdom. Just in case of emergency..." Tousan explained. I nodded means I understand, and will use it for emergency only.

"Nico, we are ready..." Eria told me from the deck while popping out her head, so that we can see her face from the ship. "Ah, sure! We will be back in a moment..." I told Eria, she nodded and left.

But Tousan come closer to me with Kasan. "Do you think she will be a good wife?" Tousan asked Kasan, "Huh?!" I sounds weird, "That Eria girl? She is pretty cold, but I think she has a kind heart..." Kasan told Tousan...

I bet my face are red now, since Kasan and Tousan are laughing while looking at me. I looked at Ethan, and he pretends not to listen, t-that boy!

"Nico, you should find someone you want to marry with... how old are you now?" Tousan asked me, but I looked at him with disappointed face and makes him trying to remember my age, "Ahh, you are 14 right..." Tousan said while trying to remember, but Kasan hit Tousan's head. And she faced me with a smile "Nico, you are 18 already, you should find yourself someone to marry..." Kasan told me.

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