Chapter 63 - Underneath the Labyrinth

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=== Nicolas's Point of View ===

"Nisan!" Ed immediately grabbed me from the second floor to the first floor. Also Ethan come and join us to the first floor of the carriage.

"Here!" Rin immediately give both of us a heavy armor to use, also Erin... This is going to be a big trouble.

"Get out from the carriage!" A dwarf shout, but all of us don't get it, so Ethan translate it for us... "Let's get down from the carriage..." Ethan told all of us...

We nodded since we do not want to search for trouble. Ethan get down from the carriage first, with his heavy armor, and helmet. I looked around and found that we are completely surrounded by the dwarfs.

And finally, I get down the last and we are lined up...

A soldier come closer, and check all of us, until he stood in front of me. "Open your helmet..." he said, but I do not understand what he just said. "Ah, he can't speak dwarven language, you can talk to me..." Ethan said with a language I am not familiar with.

"Then, open your helmet..." the soldier told Ethan, he is so small?!

"I am sorry, we can't do that now..." Ethan told the soldier, and "Guns!" the dwarf shouted. I can see the musket man are preparing to shot. I do not understand what they are saying, but I know that we are in trouble.

"Hey, we can't fight! We don't have any weapon right now..." Precilla remind Ethan. Ethan nodded.

=== Ethan's Point of View ===

"We are an adventurer from Sera, and we are doing a special mission..." I told the soldier, but he looked much more suspicious, "What is your mission?" he asked me. This dwarf use a heavy armor and a hammer on his back.

W-What should I do... now I remember about why this place is being avoided. I face the soldier that has been asking me, and say, "We have to defeat a so called 'ghost' in this place..." I told the soldier.

He looked at me suspiciously, "I see, we are actually trying to fight the ghost, and it is an official army of Dunok, so don't worry about it..." the dwarf said as he raise his hand, and the musket troops pull their weapon. I can see Nico let a sigh in relieve.

"We will have to interrogate you a little longer, and so you can leave..." the dwarf told us, but that is a bad thing. "I want all of you to open your armor and leave it behind" the dwarf demanded.

"W-Why is that?" I asked, because of my hesitation, he looked at me with his suspicion. "We need to see anyone inside the helmet, making sure that all of you are not a fugitive running... since Navroth has been looking for several person..." the dwarf said.

Now, I am a hundred percent sure that they are our enemy. I was hoping that they are a troops that are hiding from Navroth... but, it isn't the case.

"I am sorry, but no one has ever seen my face, and my brother face..." I told the dwarf which is standing in front of me, "Our face is burnt by a sorceror... and if you really want to see it, it will disgust you, and you might not be able to eat for the whole days..." I told the dwarf, and he looked like he trusted us.

But then he shook his head, "I-I am ready to see whatever inside the helmet..." the dwarf said

T-This is bad, what should we do... I looked at Nicolas and he is still facing me, and so does everyone else... "They want to see our face..." I told everyone in human language.

"Don't..." Ed said

"Hey, can you lie to them?" Lisa asked me, "I-I did! But they still want to see our face..." I told them

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