Chapter 12

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I finished with my photo shoot and we headed to another schedule, such a busy life Jennie Kim have.

"here we arrived~!" unnie beamed excitedly, whenever we go to a shooting she is full of energy, I just wonder how come she never loses her excitement despite working all day with me?

I mean It's not easy to be the manager of a superstar like me *proud smile* just kidding i know that she gets tired cause lets speak the truth because of me she cant spend her days normally

We stepped out of the van and was welcomed by the director, remember I told you guys about the drama role I was offered to? Today we are here for meeting the other actors/actress

"anyeohasseo PDnim" I bowed slightly with a smile that innocent yet classy smile that I always do.

"welcome Jennie shi, everyone is here we have been waiting for you" the director smiled and we headed inside.

Everybody welcomed me with such a nice personalities that was really comfortable "I'm sorry for being late, I just finished my shooting"

"it's okay stars always come in the end" one said and the others all nodded with smiles and I acted shy *that's of course true**chuckle*

I looked at the back an my eyes widened "park.... jimin-shi?"

He looked at me and smiled as he came closer "hello, I guess we are finally working together" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck with a smile and my eyes sparkled.

"wow, I'm honored!" with a big grin I said.

"attention please....." the director called for everyone and started giving a speech about how he hope we may get closer and his hope for making this drama a hit and busted about himself and blah blah...

Meanwhile I, still cant get out of the shock

Me and jimin? Incredible!

You see the way I react may sound like I have a crush on him or you may think that I am overreacting for being a fan of him just because of a simple conversation we had nearly 4 year ago~! But he really gave me inspiration and... he was the very first person that made me think, really think about my future and help me decide. To completely describe him ( he was like a teacher or a physician whom escaped me from going insane in that dark room I surrounded myself in)

"your reaction was pretty surprised when you saw me, didn't you know before coming here?" I chuckled as I shook my head.

"no, actually I was prettily curios about who would I be working with. But did you know beforehand?"

"yeah the director told me, I was truly happy to hear that. ever since that day I wanted us to work together oneday" he rubbed the back of his neck again

*too cute! Is he shying??*

"so you remembered that day??" my eyes sparkled, he didn't forget, how cute~ he wanted to work together also...

*He laughed... that cute laugh that made me laugh too, we didn't look like stranger nor aura of friends but longtime known boys & girls that may have a chance of becoming something more that friends like... um maybe couples? * I stared at him silently from time to time between our talks.

Don't misunderstood me, I am not planning on seducing him nor dating him nor do I even like him like a boy... but theres just those moments that make me feel little weird maybe its just because he is the only actor I am a fan of? Or because of our first meeting. Whatever I wouldn't know the feel because I've never been in love neither friendship with a guy expect jackson.

We were in talking about silly stuff such as our managers, the craziest moments in sets? Funny things during work and we laughed our ass of

"oh, umm.. Excuse me?? I'm sorry to disturb your conversation but jennie we need to go" unnie told me with her most respectful tone sounding like such a kind manager absolutely different from how she normally is and how I described her infront of him LOL

"then I guess we will see each other 2days from now for our first shooting"

"I guess then " he smiled and we bide goodbye to everyone Director, writer, side actors ...

I should admit this is my very first day of being so happy and feeling no tiredness after work all day.

"I'm not gonna say a word, look how happy you are. Dream off girl" she chuckled


So this is my first update in awhile, i am sorry to inform you all that i would be taking a long hiatus this time, so this may be my last update till god knows when. Thank you for supporting the story up to today and the future

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