Day One

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Sam was actually the one to wake everyone up in time to get to the park in time for opening. It had been a bit of a rush between all four of them wanting to take showers and needing food, but they arrived at the front gates right as they opened.

"Tickets," a gatekeeper said, holding out his hand.

Natasha was in the middle of french braiding her still-wet hair, but she turned so Steve could grab the four tickets out of her pocket. At his uncomfortable look, Natasha smirked and Bucky chuckled. Scowling at both of them, Steve handed the tickets over.

The metal detectors posed a problem as Bucky explained he had a prosthetic arm. Thanks to Tony, it wasn't noticeably metal, but it also didn't look like a prosthetic at all.

They stood to the side for fifteen minutes, watching as Bucky tried to explain and Steve tried to help him. Sam and Natasha muttered back and forth as more and more security guards arrived, prepared to escort Bucky and Steve out. Groaning, Natasha stepped forward and disabled the cloaking device Tony had created.

Bucky jumped at the sudden contact but smiled gratefully once he realised what she'd done. He'd completely forgotten how to disable the cloaking technology and Steve didn't know the arm had cloaking technology, so he was glad Natasha remembered.

"Great, it's a metal arm," Natasha deadpanned. She removed his arm and Bucky protested as she waved it in front of the guards' faces. "So dangerous. Now, scan the rest of him and let us go."

The guards did as told and they were released moments later. With Natasha's help, Bucky put his arm back on and she reactivated the cloaking technology. By the time it looked like a regular arm again, Sam had pulled them into the line for the Georgia Scorcher and Steve was already turning a little green.

"Should this really be our first ride?" he asked hesitantly as the coaster zoomed past and people screamed.

"Of course," Sam answered, looking at the map he'd grabbed for their next ride. "It's the first one we passed and it had a short line."

Steve raised an eyebrow sceptically at the twisting and weaving line in front of them. They had a ways to go.

"Comparatively speaking, that is," Sam clarified at Steve's look.

Steve just sighed and steeled himself to sit this one out. There was absolutely no way he would be convinced to ride this roller coaster. He could jump out of planes without a second thought, but roller coasters were a whole different story and he was not ready for them yet.

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